Young European Ambassador of the month | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans


YEA of the Month

We celebrate all who stand up and stand out!

Welcome to the world of true game-changers! We in YEA, believe that our individual actions create a powerful force of change in the society, inspiring and motivating other young people to start small – but reach high. Each month, we gather to appreciate the energy, the motivation, the creativity and kindness of one of our YEAs by shining the light to the great ideas and initiatives they had.

Whenever you are in need of inspiration boost, visit us here!

Meet Marko Milutinovic

Marko Milutinovic is a Young European Ambassador from Serbia. From the very beginning, Marko has been a voice of youth - passionate, active, a team player, and a game-changer. His passion for the environment and eco-awareness inspired many of his peers and followers to become more active and more aware of the serious challenges our region needs to tackle on the road to greener Western Balkans. Marko is a role model and an inspiration. We are looking forward to all of his initiatives in the future while staying positive, active, and green :)

Marko Milutinovic biography

Meet Dona Srdikj Lazarevska

Dona is a Young European Ambassador from North Macedonia. Dona has shown her dedication and motivation to be a voice of youth since the very beginning of our journey. By taking active part in the 'She Leads' event by YEAs which focused on female empowerment, discussing youth activism in a debate on Balkan Trafik festival, but also starring as a guest on regional podcasts dedicated to youth - Dona continues to inspire her peers to contribute to the society by showing initiative. We can't wait for her next step on the journey of changing the world one good deed at the time!

Dona Srdikj Lazarevska biography

Meet Amina Kaja

Amina Kaja is a Young European Ambassador from Kosovo. Amina represents a true creative expression of YEA. She is a great example of how we can turn activism into art, and art into activism. Through her poetry, creativity, but also meticulous scientific approach (she is studying for a neurosurgeon) she inspires her peers to become more active in different fields - youth engagement, environment, culture, human rights. Amina transforms her unique creative persona into a young and engaged game-changer wherever she goes. We are eager to follow her road of inspiration in the years to come!

Amina Kaja biography

Meet Dzulisa Otuzbir

Dzulisa Otuzbir is a Young European Ambassador from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dzulisa is one of the strongest YEA voices when it comes to motivating youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina to be more active in the fields of regional cooperation and European affairs. Pursuing her Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy at the University of Sarajevo, she has a great desire to join forces with young people who are willing to make positive changes in the region. Her moderation role at this year's European Youth Event in Strasbourg was her shining moment, as she managed to make bridges and join young people from all over Europe together in discussion.

Dzulisa Otuzbir biography

Meet Eris Çunaku

Eris Çunaku is a Young European Ambassador from Kosovo. Eris grew with YEA into a bright, enthusiastic young game-changer interested in a broad range of topics. With a diploma in Management of Web and Mobile Development and a minor in Public Policy, Eris is passionate about youth activism and the protection of our environment, as he believes these two topics are crucial towards ensuring an active civil society and a safe world to live in. He also hosted an inspiring talk on creative expression and activism through photography with Meeri Koutaniemi during the Power of the Hashtag WeBalkans event in April 2021. Eris, we are confident that the best is yet to come - so we are looking forward to your future initiatives and creative ideas. Well done!

Eris Çunaku biography

Meet Teodora Cekic

Teodora Cekic is a Young European Ambassador from Serbia. From the very beginning when she joined YEA, we could hear the music playing! Apart from currently being a teacher of music education in Leskovac, Teodora was a member of a number of choirs and vocal ensembles, while she also participated in various festivals worldwide. Moreover, Teodora finished her studies in Russia at the Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture, where she completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees with honors in Music Arts. Teodora was a valuable Team Leader of YEA event dedicated to cultural diversity in Western Balkans, and she showed great initiative in facilitating a working group on WB EU Youth Forum in Rome dedicated to the same topic. We can't wait for new melodies coming from this YEA who finds life inspiration in music, art, and culture!

Teodora Cekic biography

Meet Vojdan Uzunov

Our YEA of December 2021, Vojdan Uzunov, comes from North Macedonia, and he is a student of Law. Although traveling and reading have always been his passions, during his time as a YEA Vojdan has thrived into an outspoken activist and a great speaker on topics that are relevant for the young people in the region. On this note, Vojdan is also active at his university as a member of a group that advocates for the rights of marginalized groups in North Macedonia. Vojdan is also an environmentalist, he loves to walk or cycle as much as possible while helping people understand that cars should only be used as a necessity. We cannot wait for him to jump into the shoes of a young trainer for Media Literacy - helping his peers understand how media works and how to use critical thinking for better understanding.

Vojdan Uzunov biography

Meet Bojana Lalatovic

Bojana Lalatovic has been a true shining star of YEA network since the very beginning. She and her team 'broke the ice' for implementing the first in a row of five online events by YEAs back in 2021 by addressing an important topic of "Building resilience by investing in skills and qualifications". As an activist, game-changer and dedicated youth worker, Bojana continues to send a message that the educated, skilled and active young people really do have a strong potential to lead the Western Balkans region into a bright future. Furthermore, Bojana holds an MA in Law in European Integration from the University of Belgrade, where she is also a PhD candidate in the International Public Law Department. She worked for civil society organizations focusing on the EU integration processes of the Western Balkans and was a participant in the ERASMUS+ mobility programme. Apart from being a Young European Ambassador, she is also a Program Officer in the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro (Regional Youth Cooperation Office).

Bojana Lalatovic biography

Meet Klajdi Kaziu

Klajdi Kaziu is one of the most dedicated members of YEA network. He took part in many different activities, but moreover he took the lead and proposed multiple project ideas for Tirana European Youth Capital 2022. that are about to get to the developing and implementing stage during this year. Recently, Klajdi had great success with writing an article on EU values. His core value is diversity and he has been demonstrating it through his actions. Klajdi is an acting Secretary General at the United Nations Association in Albania, leading efforts to establish the National Network on Youth, Peace and Security. He holds a MA in European Integration and Global Studies from the CIFE – Centre International de Formation Européen.

Klajdi Kaziu biography

Meet Dragana Vuckovic

Western Balkans, meet Dragana Vuckovic, a true game-changer from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dragana has become a part of YEA network in 2020, and since then, her initiative, enthusiasm, and dedication to activism and promotion of youth values have truly been remarkable. Apart from being an inspiring activist, Dragana is also attending an MA in Democracy and Human Rights in South-East Europe, a shared interdisciplinary program taught by both the University of Sarajevo and the University of Bologna, while also studying for a master’s degree in International Relations at the University of Banjaluka. We congratulate her for her efforts so far, supporting her every step of the way.

Dragana Vuckovic biography

Meet Jora Zeneli

Jora is an inspiring and bright young woman, determined to make a change in her community and for her generation. Jora is 18 years old and currently a senior at “Sami Frasheri” High School in Prishtina. She is passionate about science, music, technology, business, and community service. Over the years she has been involved in national and international organizations, holding numerous leadership roles as well as receiving certification from several institutes. Her contribution to sharing the values of volunteerism, human rights, and youth leadership has already caught the attention of many. We are with her every step of the way knowing that good things come to those who wake up, show up and take action!

Jora Zeneli biography

Meet Velimir Milosev

Velimir Milosev is a role-model young activist who inspires us with his enthusiasm, creativity, and positivity every day. While his profession says political scientist, Velimir calls himself an activist on a bicycle, while also doing an important job as a Coordinator for Inclusive youth policies at the organization Irida from Novi Sad. He is proud to be a feminist and a fierce supporter of gender equality and EU enlargement process.  What drives him to continue being active in his community is the fact that he also grew up seeing ‘the others’ faced with apathy, hostility, and sometimes even violence. As a member of the LGBT community,  he continues to strongly advocate for the safety and human rights of vulnerable groups and for peace in the region.

Velimir Milosev biography

Meet Aleksandar Karatosho

Aleksandar is a student at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Sts Cyril and Methodius in Skopje. As a Young European Ambassador for two years now, he has contributed to YEA mission in many ways - through his activism, leadership skills, and initiative - especially when it comes to putting youth from North Macedonia on the map and giving young people a voice to speak out. Aleksandar is active in many national and international civic organizations, he took part in numerous events, workshops, and projects. Furthermore, he is a member of the European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN) and the Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia and is also a founder and president of the non-profit civic organization Youth Empowerment Association – YEA, which focuses on developing young people’s capacities in various areas.

Aleksandar Karatosho biography

Meet Andjela Radulovic

Anđela comes from Montenegro and studies law. During YEA events she has attended so far, we could already see a future fierce protector of human rights and a gatekeeper of the rule of law. In her own words: "As a student of law, I truly believe in the importance of the rule of law and EU values". Gaining her international experience Andjela has also spent some time in the USA, at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire on a Global UGRAD scholarship. This exchange helped her determine some important personal and professional goals and was also an important step in stepping out of her comfort zone. She had a chance to learn from very successful professors in the fields of Politics, International Law, Criminal Justice, etc. Last summer, she has also participated in International Summer School at The University of A Coruña, as one of ten scholarship receivers from the whole world, where she attended the International Courts and Tribunal's course. We are proud to have Andjela as a member of our network and we stand in great support of her professional development and activist path.

Andjela Radulovic biography

Meet Olta Shehu

Olta es una chica de 19 años que sueña con convertirse algún día en una exitosa doctora que salve vidas. Ella viene de Albania y ya ha hecho mucho por la mayor voz de los jóvenes en su comunidad. Es franca y motivada, ansiosa por participar en cada actividad que tenga como objetivo hacer de la región un lugar más próspero para la juventud. Incluso cuando era más joven se unió a Save the Children y World Vision como voluntaria, pero también a una organización benéfica llamada "Fundjave Ndryshe" y una organización ambiental llamada "Shqiperia Ndryshe". También fue la representante de su salón de clases durante tres años seguidos en el senado escolar. Conozca a Olta a través de sus redes sociales para obtener más información sobre lo que significa ser un modelo a seguir. ¡YEA!

Olta Shehu biography

Meet Maja Trajković

Maja is a YEA who has shown great progress since she joined our network. She is a true example of how a young person changes and thrives in motivating surrounding. She has been involved in activism for five years now and says that she is eager to continue working with NGOs, trying to make positive changes in her community. She is a member of the UNICEF advisory board for mental health, where the primary goal is to help young people express themselves more regarding mental health. Maja is also a member of the board called “Savet mladih” in “Prijatelji dece Srbije”, where she learned how to write a number of project proposals and organize events such as debate tournaments and charity events. We can't wait to see what she has prepared for YEA!

Maja Trajković biography

Meet Anastasija Katić

Anastasija Katić is one of the younger YEAs, eager and passionate from an early age to pursue an activist path. She likes to say that her life is dedicated to the protection of human rights. Since she was 11 years old, she was a member of the Red Cross and has volunteered in the association “Most”. Since she was 13, she has taken part in the project “Youth as a force of change in their communities”. As a YEA she is an active promoter of human rights and a dedicated young leader. Helping her fellow YEAs take part in local activities they organize, she is also present and active in all the offline and online campaigns.

Anastasija Katić biography

Meet Diellza Ibrahimi

Diellza is an inspiring young YEA from Kosovo and a volunteer who aspires to create change and make the world a better place. As a YEA she coordinated this year's Lake clean up in Kosovo, she participated in many conferences as a YEA and is already a very influential social media activist. She also leads an online community of almost a million users and works with Support Groups Kosova (an NGO that promotes mental health and aims to connect people with similar experiences). She is studying public administration, political science, and diplomacy.

Diellza Ibrahimi biography

Meet Damjan Zlatanovski

Damjan is a wonderfully inspiring young person who has a clear vision of what the role of young people in today's society represents: leadership, activism, and dedication. Not only has he been one of the most active YEAs on WeBalkans events, but he is also very active in his local community. He organized our street action for International Women's Day in Kumanovo as well as the event which promoted the 6th European Youth Goal, Moving Rural Youth Forward together with Europe House in Kriva Palanka. Furthermore, he loves painting and he runs a small art shop! He enjoys reading and writing poems, essays, and short stories as well. One of his biggest passions is theatre and cinema. He also loves the feeling of being helpful and helping other people. He is passionate about environmental protection and believes that only by taking care of our planet and each other, we can thrive in a better future.

Damjan Zlatanovski biography

Meet Stjuart Islamaj

Stjuart Islamaj is our young star of YEA coming from Albania. Being a student at the University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology studying Journalism and Communication, Stjuart is also a trainee at the European House in Tirana helping his country on its way to EU on daily basis. A true activist in the areas of human rights, EU integrations, and youth activism, he has always enjoyed socializing, helping, and being in constant touch with people. When he was in middle school he came across an organization called Vlora Youth Center, and participated in the awareness-raising campaign against Gender Inequality. From that day on, his mission stayed the same - to be engaged in youth activism and help shape and transform his community into a better place. Stjuart also enjoys creating digital content on social media so make sure you follow him - on TikTok too!

Stjuart Islamaj biography

Meet Fatima Đulović

My name is Fatima, I’m an 18-year-old high schooler, youth worker, activist and passionate about psychology. I have been volunteering for the Centre for Autism and Developmental Disabilities since I was 14. I was on many Erasmus projects so I met and learned a lot about different cultures and became interested in organizing events for young people and raising awareness of the importance of youth activism in my community. I am also very passionate about photography. The photo exhibition ‘Naši Heroji’ (Our Heroes) that I had in the museum Ras, Novi Pazar, represented black and white portraits of children with autism and Down syndrome. In my first project in 2021, funded by the U.S. Embassy, I tried to make a deep connection between teenagers from my school and children with developmental disabilities, and help them with understanding each other while developing their social skills. Being a YEA can help me be even more successful and give me more experience in every aspect of youth activism.

Fatima Đulović biography

Meet Hadžera Selimović

My name is Hadžera Selimović. I study Political Science and International Relations at the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST)/University of Buckingham in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since the age of 12, I have volunteered and worked on youth activism projects in my country and abroad. I am a former volunteer coordinator with seven years of experience at festivals in Sarajevo, including PitchWise Festival, Sarajevo Film Festival, Pravo Ljudski Film Festival, Aljazeera Balkans Film Festival and Youth Film Festival. I am the Head of the Enter Student Club at the SSST. In 2019, I participated in the Youth Leadership Program in Dayton, OH, USA, organised by the US Embassy in Sarajevo. Additionally, in 2019 I became a fellow of the BOLD Leaders network in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Moreover, in 2020, I won a grant from the US Embassy to implement a civic engagement project. I have also been a TED-licensee since 2020 and was the founder and organiser of the first TEDxYouth event in south-east Europe, TEDxYouth@Ferhadija. In August 2021, I became an alumna of the Summer School for Refugee Rights and Migration organised by the UNHCR. As of August 2021, I have been a part of Chatham House’s Common Futures Conversations project. In October 2021, I spoke at the UNESCO SEE Regional Conference ‘Media and Information Literacy for Public Good’.

Hadžera Selimović biography

Meet Edina Osmanović

My name is Edina Osmanović, YEA from Montenegro. I am a young women entrepreneur from Montenegro, an innovator, youth and ecological activist, and hopefully a leader of tomorrow. I recently obtained a Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Economics – Business Psychology and Management, where I graduated on the topic ‘The impact of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Negotiation Skills on the Socio-Economic Development of the Western Balkans’. I am trying to be a voice of positive change via social media and street activism, by promoting human rights, equality, women's entrepreneurship, innovation, and trying to raise awareness about the social issues that we are having in our community and the region. YEA is a great platform, which gives us the opportunity to be a young game changers in the region and to show all of the values and possibilities that young people are having in the Western Balkans. I believe that this is showing us that we can become another bridge between Western Balkans and the European Union.

Edina Osmanović biography

Meet Mila Mladenova

My name is Mila Mladenova, YEA from North Macedonia. I am a 22-year-old medical student enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. I am a founder and vice president of Youth Empowerment Association, a civil society organisation which aims to promote youth participation and active citizenship in order to achieve better youth policies & greater involvement of the young population in the decision-making process. Over the past two years, as I am the Young European Ambassador, I have actively organised and participated in numerous events and initiatives across the Western Balkans and the EU addressing crucial topics such as health, media literacy, environment, human rights and the EU integration. This May I had the chance to celebrate Europe Day in the heart of the European Union, Brussels, and engage in insightful discussions with EU representatives about the most pressing issues of our time and the opinions and perspectives of the young people in the region.

Mila Mladenova biography

Meet Xhuljana Mucaj

My name is Xhuljana Mucaj, I am Young European Ambassador from Albania who is currently pursuing a Master of Laws at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. I previously studied Law and Business Administration while advocating for equal opportunities. In my opinion, it is important to support young people living in rural areas in achieving all they wish for.

Xhuljana Mucaj biography

Meet Taulant Ferati

My name is Taulant Ferati, I am Young European Ambassador from Kosovo*. In 2021, I co-founded an NGO called ‘Follow UP’ to provide reintegration services for marginalised communities. I am very passionate about philosophy and politics. As a young historian, I want to use my passion and future profession to impact Kosovo’s cultural and political development.

Taulant Ferati biography

Meet Luka Grandić

My name is Luka Grandić, Young European Ambassador from Serbia. I study graphic design, and through my designs and artworks, I try to spread European ideals and values. I took part in the Sarajevo Film Festival this summer on a Human Rights programme. Listen to what I have to say about my incredible experience!

Luka Grandić biography

Meet Adi Softić

My name is Adi Softić, Young European Ambassador from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am an experienced chairperson with a long history of work in the entertainment industry, culture and event management. 🎭​ I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Buckingham. 📸 I am also the co-founder of the ‘Ex Files Maglaj’ project which archives surviving photographs and belongings following the floods of 2014.

Adi Softić biography

Meet Anđela Micić

My name is Anđela Micić, Young European Ambassador from Montenegro. I'm a journalist, PR and digital marketing manager. I am also part of the first editorial staff of the first youth online media in Montenegro – Makanje 🇲🇪 My focus? 👉 Human rights, rights of girls and women, social justice and humanitarian work. I volunteered in several non-governmental organisations dedicated to children and youth education.

Anđela Micić biography

Meet Marija Burgieva

Hi! I am Marija, an international politics and diplomacy student from Skopje. Since I was 13, I have been passionate about giving back to my community. This led me to volunteer and become an activist for human rights and civic responsibility, exploring many opportunities through youth exchanges and workshops. Environmental protection is my main focus, driving me to find innovative local solutions. Now, I am a social entrepreneur: CEO of O-krug, turning orange peel waste into products while employing marginalized youth; CMO of Mamaorgana, addressing food waste; and co-founder of, Macedonia’s first platform for eco-friendly products. As Helen Keller said, ‘Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much!’

Marija Burgieva biography

Learn more about our YEAs
And stay tuned on YEA social media channels and our website for all the exciting activities to come in the future. Remember, you are also a part of this, and YEAs are your voices! Stay connected, stay engaged!

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