Xhuljana Mucaj | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Xhuljana Mucaj



Youth activism, Environment, Human Rights, Rule of Law.


“I am Xhuljana Mucaj graduated from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom, obtaining a Master of Laws as a recipient of the prestigious Chevening Scholarship. This achievement adds to my previous successes, including a degree in jurisprudence from the University of Tirana and a degree in Business Administration from the Canadian Institute of Technology.
As a Young European Ambassador, I have considered this platform to champion EU values, advocate for the rule of law, the fortification of democracy, and the integrity of public institutions. Noteworthy among my initiatives is the #IDECIDE campaign, conceived to raise awareness about the importance of free and fair elections while constantly opposing the culture of vote-buying phenomenon.
I am eagerly committed to supporting vulnerable youth in rural areas and proposing substantial instruments that secure the future development of rural communities.”

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