WeBalkans | Your Story, Our Future | EU projects in the Western Balkans
Made of Us


Our 12 vloggers on the road across the Western Balkans.



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YEA Network



Откријте ги нашите приказни од Западен Балкан


Western Balkans - rule of law stability pact economic growth potential candidate countries accession to the eu western balkan countries eu membership candidate status european union + commission


Откриј можности (EN)

The Official Launch of the EIT Community RIS Hub Montenegro

On 24th of May, join us for the launch of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Community Hub in Montenegro, a key event enhancing the innovation landscape in the Western Balkans. This launch introduces Europe's largest innovation network, offering local entrepreneurs, innovators, and researchers opportunities to connect with EIT's diverse sectors such as EIT Digital, EIT Health, and more. The event, part of the tenth anniversary of the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme, will take place both in-person and online. Don't miss this chance to expand your business and research horizons through Europe-wide initiatives and collaborations.

Journalists & media organisations, Researchers, Small and medium enterprises, Students & young people

Youth4Regions – The Programme for Aspiring Journalists

Youth4Regions is the European Commission’s initiative designed to educate journalism students and young journalists about the EU’s impact in their regions. The programme offers comprehensive training, mentorship with top journalists, participation in EU Regions’ Week, and visits to EU media headquarters and institutions, along with a chance to join European Commission press trips. All accommodation, food, and travel expenses are covered by the programme. Applicants should have a keen interest in EU activities, a background in journalism (through education or up to 2 years of professional experience), be citizens of the EU or neighbouring countries aged between 18 and 30, and be available from 5 to 11 October 2024. The application period is open from 8 April until 8 July, 17:00 CET. Interested candidates must demonstrate a strong interest in journalism to be eligible. For more information and to apply, please visit our application portal and seize this unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of EU journalism.

Training courses & educational programmes
Journalists & media organisations
What is the future made of?

Made of us

What is the future made of?

Six pairs of young vloggers went on a road trip to uncover the answer. They ventured to captivating destinations in the Western Balkans and engaged with the local entrepreneurs supported by the EU, sharing their experiences and highlighting the existing opportunities in the region on their social media.

Различни личности
истиот ентузијазам.
Ова е YEA!

Сметаме дека младите генерации се вистинскиот двигател за промени.

Токму затоа, Младите Европски Амбасадори во Западен Балкан присуствуваат на обуки, курсеви, семинари и работилници кои им ги обезбедуваат сите алатки што им се потребни за да станат големи влијателни лица во нивната заедница и да инспирираат позитивна општествена промена за иднината.

Погледнете ги нашите минати и следни настани и останете поврзани за да дознаете повеќе за претстојните проекти во делот YEA на веб-страницата!

Who is going to win?
You decide!

It’s finally time to vote! Who’ll be the next group of YEAs to serve as the voice of Western Balkan youths? Choose your favourite candidate and vote for your future Young European Ambassadors!

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