Democracy and fundamental rights | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Demokracia dhe të drejtat themelore

BE-ja është një komunitet me vlera dhe ligje të përbashkëta. Demokracia, barazia, drejtësia...dhe respekti për të drejtat dhe liritë themelore janë parimet bazë të projektit të BE-së. Të njëjtat vlera dhe kushte zbatohen për vendet që synojnë anëtarësimin në BE.

Për këtë arsye, BE-ja mbështet partnerët e vet në Ballkanin Perëndimor për zbatimin e reformave për fuqizimin dhe përmirësimin e institucioneve demokratike dhe sistemeve të tyre të drejtësisë. Kjo mbështetje ofrohet paralelisht me mbështetjen për shoqërinë civile, mediat e pavarura dhe mbrojtjen e të drejtave të njeriut.

Mundësi (EN)

New EU-Funded Grants for Independent Media in the Western Balkans

The EU-funded Innovation. Media. Minds. (IMM) Programme is now accepting applications for production grants supporting independent media in the Western Balkans. These grants aim to promote pluralism of expression, strengthen cooperation with Public Service Media (PSM), and enhance audience-focused reporting on topics like cultural exchange, rule of law, governance, and environmental issues. Grants of up to EUR 30,000 are available, with a total budget of EUR 90,000. Eligible applicants must be independent media outlets in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, or Serbia, with a formal agreement to broadcast content with a Western Balkan PSM. Applications are open until 13 November 2024 via the Goethe Application Portal (GAP).

Funding opportunities
Journalists & media organisations

Strengthening Regional Collaboration to Combat Disinformation

The Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) offers a key opportunity for Western Balkans organisations to join the "Accelerating the best use of technologies" call (DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-TECH-07). This initiative supports SMEs in enhancing media literacy, monitoring online platforms, and analysing disinformation campaigns as part of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO). With a submission deadline of 21 November 2024, selected participants will contribute to fact-checking, producing analytical reports, and conducting communication campaigns aimed at increasing societal resilience and public awareness. Participating organisations will engage in detecting and exposing disinformation, supporting research, and monitoring the implementation of the Code of Practice on Disinformation. They will also implement comprehensive communication strategies using traditional and digital media channels. This call is a vital opportunity for regional collaboration to strengthen the digital media landscape in the Western Balkans and beyond.

Funding opportunities
Civil society organisations

Publikime (EN)

This fact sheet provides information on the EU support to Roma integration in the Western Balkans

Author: European Union

Fleta e të dhënave | Published in: 2024

This fact sheet provides information on the EU support to Roma integration in the Western Balkans

EU Support to Civil Society

Author: Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations

Fleta e të dhënave | Published in: 2024

Factsheet EU Support to Civil Society in the Western Balkans and Türkiye

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