Culture and youth | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Kultura dhe të rinjtë

Kultura dhe sporti i sjellin njerëzit më afër njëri-tjetrit. Të rinjtë janë nxitësit e ndryshimit. Trashëgimia e pasur kulturore e Evropës mishëron historinë tonë të përbashkët, ndërsa rinia të ardhmen tonë të përbashkët.

BE-ja mbështet shumë përpjekje që synojnë të përmirësojnë jetën dhe mundësitë e ardhshme të të rinjve, artistëve dhe industrive krijuese, si dhe pjesëmarrjen në sporte në Ballkanin Perëndimor. Bashkëpunimi dhe shkëmbimi janë e përbashkëta e të gjitha këtyre nismave.

Mundësi (EN)

Culture and youth

Culture Moves Europe: Individual Mobility Action 3

The third call for the Individual Mobility Action under the Culture Moves Europe programme invites artists and cultural professionals to apply for a grant that enables them to carry out creative projects with a partner in another Creative Europe country. This grant supports projects aimed at exploring new artistic concepts, creating original works, expanding professional networks, or enhancing skills through collaboration. Applicants can propose projects that align with at least two of these goals, and the projects must be carried out in a country different from the applicant’s residence. This opportunity is available for both individual applicants and groups of up to five people, with flexible project durations ranging from 7 to 40 days depending on the project type. The grant covers travel and daily allowances, with additional top-ups available for factors such as environmental sustainability, visa requirements, or accessibility needs. Culture Moves Europe especially encourages participation from artists and professionals with disabilities, offering options for virtual or hybrid mobility. Applicants are reminded that the programme focuses on fostering creation and professional exchange, not simply presenting previously created work. Projects can start no earlier than 60 days from the monthly deadline, and the overall deadline for the third call is 30 November 2024.

Funding opportunities
Artists & culture organisations

Publikime (EN)

Albania Factograph

Author: European Union

Fleta e të dhënave | Published in: 2023

This factsheet provides a brief overview of the key milestones of the EU integration process and facts and figures on EU-Kosovo relations and support.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Factograph

Author: European Union

Fleta e të dhënave | Published in: 2023

This factsheet provides a brief overview of the key milestones of the EU integration process and facts and figures on EU-Kosovo relations and support.

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