Culture and youth | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Kultura dhe të rinjtë

Kultura dhe sporti i sjellin njerëzit më afër njëri-tjetrit. Të rinjtë janë nxitësit e ndryshimit. Trashëgimia e pasur kulturore e Evropës mishëron historinë tonë të përbashkët, ndërsa rinia të ardhmen tonë të përbashkët.

BE-ja mbështet shumë përpjekje që synojnë të përmirësojnë jetën dhe mundësitë e ardhshme të të rinjve, artistëve dhe industrive krijuese, si dhe pjesëmarrjen në sporte në Ballkanin Perëndimor. Bashkëpunimi dhe shkëmbimi janë e përbashkëta e të gjitha këtyre nismave.

Mundësi (EN)

Competition call for Designers’Prize: Shape the Future Brand of the Young European Ambassadors Network in the Western Balkans

We are thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for creative minds within our YEAs network and other vibrant young designer communities in the Western Balkans! As we continue to grow, we need a brand and visuals that reflect the dynamism, diversity, and forward-thinking spirit of YEAs, while adhering to EC visual identity guidelines. We expect around 100 new young members to join by the end of 2024! An award of 1500 euros and perks like participation in YEAs activities and cross-promotion opportunities await the selected candidate(s). We seek a fresh, modern, and sustainable visual identity that highlights the EU emblem and the name Young European Ambassadors, including the tagline "Celebrating diversity to inspire change" and hashtag #YEStoYEA. Participants must submit their portfolio, a brief proposal, and branded mock-ups by July 31st. The winner, chosen after a selection and voting process, will be announced by August 26th. This is a unique chance to showcase your talent, gain professional experience, and contribute to the visual legacy of YEAs. Send your submissions to [email protected] and [email protected] with the subject "YEAs Visual Identity Design Submission - [Your Name]." Let’s create something extraordinary together!

Awards and competitions

Publikime (EN)

Albania Factograph

Author: European Union

Fleta e të dhënave | Published in: 2023

This factsheet provides a brief overview of the key milestones of the EU integration process and facts and figures on EU-Kosovo relations and support.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Factograph

Author: European Union

Fleta e të dhënave | Published in: 2023

This factsheet provides a brief overview of the key milestones of the EU integration process and facts and figures on EU-Kosovo relations and support.

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