Економија | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans


Западен Балкан со конкурентна и силна економија е добра за регионот и добра е за Европа. И покрај многуте предизвици, регионот има огромен потенцијал за раст.

ЕУ е примарен економски и политички партнер на Западен Балкан. Обезбедува крупни инвестиции и други видови на поддршка за приватниот сектор во регионот да го направи поконкурентен и поотпорен, да им помогне на малите бизниси и да го олесни водењето бизнис во регионот и пошироко.

Можности (EN)

Online Workshop: Unveiling the Potential of Critical Raw Materials in the Western Balkans

Explore the future of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) at the focused workshop on 25 April 2024, from 9:30 to 12:30, organised via Zoom. This collaborative event, hosted in partnership with the European Commission's DG NEAR and DG GROW, along with the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum, will highlight the essential role CRMs play in Europe's green and digital transitions. The workshop aligns with the European Critical Raw Materials Act, which promotes EU self-sufficiency and diversified global supplies. Participants will include business leaders, government representatives, and financial institutions from the EU and Western Balkans, facilitating a dynamic exchange of insights and opportunities within the CRM sector.

Training courses & educational programmes
Small and medium enterprises

Публикации (EN)

Albania Factograph

Author: European Union

Листи со факти | Published in: 2023

This factsheet provides a brief overview of the key milestones of the EU integration process and facts and figures on EU-Kosovo relations and support.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Factograph

Author: European Union

Листи со факти | Published in: 2023

This factsheet provides a brief overview of the key milestones of the EU integration process and facts and figures on EU-Kosovo relations and support.

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