Arsimi cilësor, kërkimi dhe inovacioni janë themelet e një ekonomie konkurruese dhe të suksesshme. Edhe pse ekonomitë e Ballkanit Perëndimor janë përmirësuar ndjeshëm gjatë dhjetë viteve të fundit në aspektin e realizimit të inovacionit, rajoni mbetet ende pas mesatares së Evropës.
Por, potenciali dhe talenti janë aty! BE-ja qëndron tashmë pas shumë nismash që mbështesin kërkuesit e rinj dhe mundësojnë bashkëpunim ndërmjet kërkuesve dhe biznesit, dhe përtej kufijve – dhe po rrit mbështetjen dhe mundësitë e bashkëpunimit për të zbuluar talente në mbarë rajonin.
The ScienceUs Upscale Academy offers citizen science initiatives a unique opportunity to scale their impact and support the EU’s mission of "Adaptation to Climate Change." Through a three-phase programme—Seed, Flourish, and Harvest—selected projects will receive funding, expert guidance, and collaboration opportunities with key stakeholders, including policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders. The programme focuses on scaling successful citizen science campaigns, fostering transnational collaboration, and transferring best practices to create a ripple effect of knowledge and innovation. This Open Call will select 25 projects for the Seed Phase, with five advancing to the later stages for larger funding and further support. Eligible projects must address climate adaptation topics such as energy management, public services, or environmental governance. By connecting and enhancing citizen science efforts, ScienceUs empowers communities to co-create practical solutions for climate resilience. Applications are now open and will be accepted until 6th January 2025.
Fleta e të dhënave | Published in: 2023
This factsheet provides a brief overview of the key milestones of the EU integration process and facts and figures on EU-Kosovo relations and support.
Fleta e të dhënave | Published in: 2023
This factsheet provides a brief overview of the key milestones of the EU integration process and facts and figures on EU-Kosovo relations and support.
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