Jeste li znali da je Evropska unija glavni politički i ekonomski partner i najveći investitor na Zapadnom Balkanu? EU podržava hiljade projekata koji poboljšavaju život ljudi, štite okoliš, stvaraju poslovne prilike i olakšavaju regionalnu saradnju.
EU i zapadni Balkan imaju zajedničku kulturu i istoriju, sa blisko povezanim društvima i privredama. Albanija,
Crna Gora,
Sjeverna Makedonija i Srbija
su zemlje kandidati za članstvo u EU. Bosnia-Herzegovina
i Kosovo
potencijalni kandidati za članstvo u EU. Kako bi potpomogla napredak ka članstvu, EU pruža finansijsku pomoć na mnogim područjima. Ta pomoć je pružena zajedno sa podrškom za poboljšanja koja su potrebna da bi se zadovoljili standardi EU, u oblastima poput pravosuđa i javne uprave.
Finansiranje od strane EU i saradnja s njom su prisutni u mnogim područjima kao što su: osnivanje preduzeća, uspostavljanje transportnih veza, poduzimanje aktivnosti u domenu klimatskih promjena, zaštita ljudskih prava, razmjena studenata, zaštita kulturne baštine i u mnogim drugim područjima. Prednosti saradnje su očite na obje strane. Veća jednakost u društvu, bolje prilike na zapadnom Balkanu kao i razvoj društva na njemu, učinit će Evropu jačom i prosperitetnijom. Ako želite saznati više o prilikama, dostignućima i pričama o uspjehu pojedinaca, pročitajte više na ovu temu!
Saznajte više o nekim od glavnih inicijativa EU i programima finansiranja na zapadnom Balkanu.
Through IPA, the EU provides large-scale financial and technical support to countries on the path to EU membership. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia are all beneficiaries.
Part of IPA, IPARD focuses on rural areas and the agri-food sectors. Farming and rural businesses in the current EU candidate countries – Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia – are eligible.
Under the mechanism, civil protection authorities in Europe cooperate to coordinate assistance to victims of disasters in Europe and elsewhere. Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia participate.
COSME provides support to small and medium enterprises across the EU and is open to SMEs in the Western Balkans.
Creative Europe supports the cultural and audio-visual sectors and is open to cultural and creative organisations from EU as well as non-EU countries, including the Western Balkans.
Customs 2020 facilitates cooperation between customs authorities in EU Member States and candidate countries and potential candidates. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia participate.
ERASMUS+ promotes cooperation in education, training, youth and sport. It is open to students, educational staff and youth groups in the Western Balkans, who wish to study, teach or volunteer abroad.
EaSI promotes better employment, social protection and work conditions. Public authorities, employment services, social partners and research institutes in the Western Balkans are eligible.
The Europe for Citizens programme contributes to a better understanding of the EU and encourages democratic participation of citizens at the EU level. Public bodies or non-profit organisations in the Western Balkans are eligible to apply.
Fiscalis 2020 fosters information exchange between tax authorities across Europe. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia are participating countries.
Horizon 2020 funds projects boosting research and innovation, and is open to participation for researchers, universities and innovative companies from the Western Balkans.
The WBIF is a joint initiative of the EU, financial institutions, bilateral donors and governments of the Western Balkans, focused on strategic investments in energy, environment, social, transport and digital infrastructure sectors.
The WB EDIF, funded by the EU, provides enhanced access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises. It is a joint initiative of the EU, International Financing Institutions, bilateral partners and public bodies in the Western Balkans.
TAIEX is the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument of the European Commission. TAIEX offers peer-to-peer technical assistance and policy support from public experts based in EU Member States to beneficiaries in the Western Balkan region.
Twinning supports cooperation between public administrations in EU Member States and our Western Balkan partners. Twinning projects bring together public sector expertise from EU Member States and beneficiary countries with the aim of achieving concrete results through peer to peer activities.
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