Youth Dialogue campaign in Montenegro
Youth Dialogue campaign in Montenegro
The Youth Dialogue campaign which launched recently in Montenegro aims to raise awareness of what exactly youth participation means and why it is important and to enable young people to get involved in decision-making process on issues that concern them. The campaign aims to achieve this through direct conversation with young people and the organisations that represent them. The focus is on youth employment and discussion of topics of interest to young people, including guarantees for young people from EU Economic Investment Plan for the Western Balkans.
A video titled “#Say it loud, we hear you” has also been produced, calling on young people to take part in the dialogue, which they can do in person in their town or by filling out a questionnaire online.
The campaign is being jointly conducted by the EU Delegation to Montenegro, the EU Info Centre, and the Youth Network of Montenegro umbrella organisation as well as relevant ministries: the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports with the support of the Regional Cooperation Council, and a large number of youth organisations – the European Youth Card Association, the Montenegrin Association of Political Science Students, the Organisation of Montenegrin Students Abroad, Portal Makanje, Radio Krš, the Student Parliament, the Union of High School Students of Montenegro, and the Union of Young Entrepreneurs.
Source: EU info centre Montenegro
Photo credits: EU info centre Montenegro