Young European Ambassadors part of the Montenegro Pride Week 2023

Young European Ambassadors part of the Montenegro Pride Week 2023
Montenegro Pride week was an eventful one with many activities organized every day, all week by various organisations like Queer Montenegro, Spektra, Juventas, etc. The slogan of this year’s Pride is Self-determination.
Self-determination for trans people would mean that Montenegro guarantees self-determination to all its citizens, regardless of their affiliation.
Agenda included activities such as: Human Rights fahion show, Panel discussions on topics like: Right on Self-Determination, Whose health is ours: Quality of healthcare for trans people, minority stress and disparities, etc., Networking activities like: Pride Quiz, Drag Shows, Band performances, DJ parties, etc and the main activity: Montenegro Pride
Our YEAs had vital roles to play in a few, if not all of them.
Young European Ambassador Enes Pucurica was the main Organizer of Montenegro Pride 2023 “This year’s Pride was about self-determination, as it implies the right of every person to define their own identity, and it shouldn’t be a privilege of the chosen ones. Being in Queer Montenegro as a main organizer of Montenegro Pride in partnership with local organizations was a wonderful experience. Indeed, it took a lot of work but seeing people who are enjoying and celebrating their day gives a great sense of achievement and belief in our community,” says Enes.
Nine Young European Ambassadors participated in the Montenegro Pride week including Vojin Cetkovic, Enes Pucurica, Valentina Ostojic, Dado Dervanovic, Bojana Maras, Ivana Sreckovic, Matia Prenkocevic, Stefan Vukmanovic and Andjela Radulovic.