The Route WB6 volunteer caravan tours eight towns in the Western Balkans

The Route WB6 volunteer caravan tours eight towns in the Western Balkans
The Route WB6 Volunteer Caravan is on its way! This unique creative caravan is made up of 40 Young European Ambassadors, Route WB6 volunteers and young journalists from the Hajde platform from all over the Western Balkans. As part of the final stage of the Route WB6 project, promoting youth mobility, volunteering and peacebuilding in the region, the caravan aims to promote regional volunteer exchanges and youth volunteering across the region. The Volunteer Caravan on wheels is touring eight different towns in the region for a week where young volunteers engage with local partners in activities like environmental protection actions, restorations, creative workshops with children, meetups, and youth councils. The activity is being implemented in cooperation with the Young European Ambassadors network.
The starting point of this journey was Podgorica on 9 March and the final destination is Tirana on 15 March. On the way, the volunteers will have the chance to visit Mostar, Sarajevo, Kopaonik, Pristina and Bitola, while socialising with their peers and contributing to local communities.
One of the Young European Ambassadors involved in the Route WB6 Volunteer Caravan said “As YEAs, we have travelled through the Western Balkans for study trips, environmental issues, socialising, debating, singing and dancing at festivals. I am very excited that this time we will join the Route WB6 Volunteer Caravan. We are all heading to the same destination: a region embracing European values. So let’s join together in this caravan, sharing the path that leads to reconciliation and stability and a common European future for the region.”