TAIEX Prosecutors Forum tackles cross-border economic and cyber crimes News | WeBalkans

TAIEX Prosecutors Forum tackles cross-border economic and cyber crimes

23 Nov 2022

TAIEX Prosecutors Forum tackles cross-border economic and cyber crimes

Close partnerships and cooperation across borders is key to rooting out cross-border crime. This key message was echoed over the two-day programme at the 22nd TAIEX International Forum for Prosecutors on Fighting Cross-Border Organised Crime in Budva, Montenegro, on 8-9 November 2022. For the first time ever, this TAIEX Forum was organised in a partner country.


The event was organised in cooperation with the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office of Montenegro, the EU Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation, Eurojust, the European Public Prosecutors’ Office (EPPO) and the Public Prosecutor General`s Office of Saxony, Germany. It brought together over 100 prosecutors and judicial representatives onsite and online from over 30 countries including the enlargement and neighbourhood regions, EU Member States as well as EU agencies and institutions. Speakers tackled various recent cases from money-laundering and cybercrime investigations to asset recovery, joint investigation teams and the use of digital evidence.


The Forum contributed to enhanced international cooperation in criminal matters. First, it provided the practitioners across the criminal justice chain with the possibility to build and reinforce their professional networks. Second, it reinforced institutional capacity to tackle cross-border cases in critical areas, such as money-laundering schemes and the use of digital evidence. Finally, enhancing cross-border judicial cooperation will not be limited to the two-day Forum. TAIEX will continue to support its partners in key rule of law reforms with targeted and tailor-made technical assistance activities.

Source: European Union

Photo credits: European Union

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