Seven days, 45 young people, 1,540 kilometres, seven cities

Seven days, 45 young people, 1,540 kilometres, seven cities
After a week of travelling throughout the Western Balkan region, carrying out volunteer initiatives and meet-ups with RYCO local branch offices, young activists and local volunteering organisations, the ROUTE WB6 Caravan ended its journey in Tirana. During these seven days, 45 young people from the region also had the opportunity to visit Bitola, Mostar, Kopaonik, Podgorica, Pristina, and Sarajevo, covering a total of 1,540 kilometres.
The ROUTE WB6 Alumni Volunteers, young HAJDE journalists and Young European Ambassadors joined forces in tackling joint regional issues while socialising, supporting local communities, and breaking the prejudices and stereotypes that still exist in the region. ROUTE WB6 Alumni clubs were also established across the region.
The Young European Ambassador from Banjaluka, Anastasija Đorđa Bosančić, described the Caravan as a truly life-changing experience. “Certain things cannot be understood or processed until you set foot in all the WB6 societies, spend some time with peers coming from different perspectives and backgrounds, and of course, until you are brave enough to open your heart and dare to say yes to this unusual and amazing adventure. My sincere wish is that the vibe we experienced during this Caravan can be spread across our region in the near future,” Anastasija said.
Source: RYCO
Photo credits: RYCO