EU strengthens capacity of BiH Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices with donation of IT equipment News | WeBalkans

EU strengthens capacity of BiH Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices with donation of IT equipment

14 Dec 2022

EU strengthens capacity of BiH Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices with donation of IT equipment

As part of the European Union’s ongoing support for healthcare in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the EU Office in BiH handed over IT equipment worth around €20,000 to the BiH Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices. For the Agency’s daily work, the European Union procured five PCs, 11 large monitors, two multi-function laser printer and nine laptops. This equipment will strengthen capacity in the Agency, which is responsible for providing high-quality and safe medical products and medical devices for human use and establishing a functional system for the regulation of medicinal products in line with international standards.


The donated equipment will enable easier insight into diagrams of complex laboratory analyses and large amounts of data, but also facilitate greater mobility of employees and business continuity in emergency conditions.


During the pandemic, the donor providing the largest amount of support to BiH has been the EU, giving more than €20 million for the procurement of high-quality medical equipment, vaccines and cold chain equipment to store vaccines. The EU has also provided more than €75 million for post-pandemic recovery.

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Photo credits: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Source: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

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