Applications are open for 36,000 young people born in 2005 to receive a free travel pass thank to DiscoverEU

Applications are open for 36,000 young people born in 2005 to receive a free travel pass thank to DiscoverEU
The Commission has launched the DiscoverEU autumn call, thanks to which 36,000 young people will receive a free travel pass to explore Europe.
The application round starts today at 12:00 CEST and will end on Wednesday 18 October at 12:00 CEST. To win a travel pass, young people are invited to apply on the European Youth Portal, answer five quiz questions and one tiebreaker question. Successful applicants born between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2005 will be able to travel in Europe for up to 30 days during the travel period 1 March 2024 and 31 May 2025. The call is open to applicants from the European Union and the third countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Türkiye.
Participants will be able to discover the New European Bauhaus route, launched in January 2023. It aims to inspire young people when choosing their destinations and raise awareness on the importance of making the European Union ‘beautiful, sustainable, together’. Participants will also continue to benefit from the initiatives launched in 2022 during the European Year of Youth, such as the DiscoverEU Culture Route. The latter combines various destinations and cultural branches, including architecture, music, fine art, theatre, fashion, design and more. DiscoverEU travellers can visit the European Capitals of Culture, destinations added on the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage List, or holders of the European Heritage Label. Since 2018, 248,000 travel passes were made available to young people.
Photo credits: European Union
Source: European Union