EU funding opportunities in Montenegro | EU projects in WB | WeBalkans


Population 0.6 million

Montenegro is a candidate country for EU membership. Working closely with the EU, Montenegro is making progress towards modernising its economy and undertaking political and institutional improvements to reach the standards required for EU membership.


The EU is the country’s number one political and economic partner and largest provider of financial assistance. Cooperation and funding covers many fields – climate action, agriculture, infrastructure, culture and education, to name but a few. With this support, the EU aims to make a tangible difference to people’s lives and help the country progress on its European path.


Culture and youth

Culture Moves Europe: Individual Mobility Action 3

The third call for the Individual Mobility Action under the Culture Moves Europe programme invites artists and cultural professionals to apply for a grant that enables them to carry out creative projects with a partner in another Creative Europe country. This grant supports projects aimed at exploring new artistic concepts, creating original works, expanding professional networks, or enhancing skills through collaboration. Applicants can propose projects that align with at least two of these goals, and the projects must be carried out in a country different from the applicant’s residence. This opportunity is available for both individual applicants and groups of up to five people, with flexible project durations ranging from 7 to 40 days depending on the project type. The grant covers travel and daily allowances, with additional top-ups available for factors such as environmental sustainability, visa requirements, or accessibility needs. Culture Moves Europe especially encourages participation from artists and professionals with disabilities, offering options for virtual or hybrid mobility. Applicants are reminded that the programme focuses on fostering creation and professional exchange, not simply presenting previously created work. Projects can start no earlier than 60 days from the monthly deadline, and the overall deadline for the third call is 30 November 2024.

Funding opportunities
Artists & culture organisations

Strengthening Regional Collaboration to Combat Disinformation

The Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) offers a key opportunity for Western Balkans organisations to join the "Accelerating the best use of technologies" call (DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-TECH-07). This initiative supports SMEs in enhancing media literacy, monitoring online platforms, and analysing disinformation campaigns as part of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO). With a submission deadline of 21 November 2024, selected participants will contribute to fact-checking, producing analytical reports, and conducting communication campaigns aimed at increasing societal resilience and public awareness. Participating organisations will engage in detecting and exposing disinformation, supporting research, and monitoring the implementation of the Code of Practice on Disinformation. They will also implement comprehensive communication strategies using traditional and digital media channels. This call is a vital opportunity for regional collaboration to strengthen the digital media landscape in the Western Balkans and beyond.

Funding opportunities
Civil society organisations

Latest news

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CEFTA boosts regional market integration with numerous new agreements

10 October 2024
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YEA INFO DAYS – Apply now

2 October 2024
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The EU and Western Balkans strengthen cooperation in education, innovation, and culture

1 October 2024
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Ursula von der Leyen hosts Western Balkan leaders to advance €6 Billion Growth Plan

20 September 2024
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European Commission invests €100 million for Montenegro’s highway extension

16 July 2024
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Montenegro achieves key milestone in EU accession process

26 June 2024
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Young European Ambassadors from Western Balkans Win WeBalkans Call for Proposals

3 June 2024
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€76 million for Montenegro’s railway transformation

1 June 2024
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The Growth Plan for the Western Balkans: Brighter future on path to EU Integration

22 May 2024
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Young European Ambassadors celebrated Europe Day across Western Balkans

21 May 2024
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Mayors in the Western Balkans and Türkiye honoured for championing Roma communities

11 April 2024
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EU commits record €6 billion to Western Balkans for growth

5 April 2024
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Montenegro Joins EU Health Program, Initiating a Healthcare Transformation in the Western Balkans

8 March 2024
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YEA participate at the “Empowered together” – local youth councils in the western balkan region” activity

21 December 2023
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YEAs join “The future on hold” panel discussion at the University of Regensburg

21 December 2023
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Young European Ambassadors Summit – European Year of Skills

18 December 2023
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European Commission announces additional €680 million investment package for the Western Balkans under the Economic and Investment Plan

13 December 2023
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European Training Foundation launches #MySkills4You initiative to empower youth in EU neighbourhood

8 December 2023
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Erasmus+ supported 26,000 projects and 1.2 million learning mobility opportunities in 2022, annual report shows

8 December 2023
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Centralized Repository for All Webalkans Newsletters

4 December 2023
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RHP stakeholders commemorate successful closure of landmark programme

1 December 2023
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The EU and Montenegro strengthen cooperation on counter-terrorism

1 December 2023
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BIRN to Support Development of Masters Programme in Investigative Journalism

24 November 2023
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Introducing the upgraded Erasmus+ App!

24 November 2023
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YEAs Contribute to Brave New Media Forum

23 November 2023
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YEAs participate in the Balkan Economic Forum

23 November 2023
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Fact Sheets for the Western Balkans’ New Growth Plan now Accessible on the website’s publications section

23 November 2023
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36th Project Financiers’ Group (PFG) meeting, 9 November 2023

15 November 2023
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RCC presents the third edition of public opinion survey on security issues SecuriMeter

15 November 2023
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EBRD, EU and Austria boost green investments in Montenegro

15 November 2023
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Creative FLIP organises conference to showcase its results

10 November 2023
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EIB and European Commission to triple advisory support for the Western Balkans under the JASPERS programme

10 November 2023
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Statement by President von der Leyen on the 2023 Enlargement Package and the new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans

8 November 2023
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Commission adopts 2023 Enlargement package

8 November 2023
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Commission presents a new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans including €6 billion in grants and loans to accelerate economic convergence with the EU

8 November 2023
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YEAs Organize Media Information Literacy Workshops in Serbia and Montenegro

7 November 2023
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2024 call for Creative Europe Networks open

3 November 2023
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Creative Europe 2024 calls for Platforms and Pan-European Cultural Entities open

3 November 2023
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Erasmus+ Days 2023: more than 9,000 local events celebrated learning and diversity

2 November 2023
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RCC ESAP 2: Western Balkan enforcement authorities explore cyprus’ approach to undeclared and discuss platform work

1 November 2023
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Statement by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with Montenegrin President Milatović

31 October 2023
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President von der Leyen in the Western Balkans to present details of the Growth Plan for the region

29 October 2023
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EU Investigative Journalism Awards 2023: Meet the Winners

27 October 2023
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Creative Europe call for European cooperation projects open

27 October 2023
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RCC opens applications for butterfly innovation award 2023

27 October 2023
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Joint action is the only way to remove waste and improve life in Montenegro

26 October 2023
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Young European Ambassadors part of the Montenegro Pride Week 2023

25 October 2023
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YEAs AL participate in the Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans

20 October 2023
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Apply now for second call for residency hosts under Culture Moves Europe

20 October 2023
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Big interest from small businesses for EU support in the Western Balkans

19 October 2023
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The Western Balkans Six leader signed an agreement under the Common Regional Market (CRM) Action Plan’s mobility agenda

18 October 2023
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YEAs from Albania meet President von der Leyen at EU House Tirana

17 October 2023
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Opening remarks by President von der Leyen at the Berlin Process Summit

16 October 2023
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Opening of 2024 Erasmus+ European Universities call

12 October 2023
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Regional EU Awards for Best Investigative Journalism Announced

12 October 2023
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Montenegro celebrates the delivery of 28 houses to RHP beneficiaries

12 October 2023
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WB Youth Forum 2023 in Tirana: Empowering Youth to Act on Berlin Declaration

12 October 2023
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Conference on Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean

11 October 2023
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Launching the Digital for Development Hub for the Western Balkans

6 October 2023
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Culture Moves Europe call for artists opens again

6 October 2023
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The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) presents winners of the fourth Western Balkans online competition for the best digital solutions, BALKATHON 4.0

5 October 2023
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Sarajevo hosts the sixth Western Balkans Digital Summit

5 October 2023
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Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro and neighbours clean riverbed of Ribnica River

5 October 2023
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New European Bauhaus: applications open for 2024 edition of NEB Prizes

4 October 2023
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Decrease of data roaming fees between the Western Balkans and the EU

2 October 2023
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Open4Business is open for registration

29 September 2023
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Creative women of Montenegro present: “European Music of Montenegrin Cultural Diplomacy”

27 September 2023
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EU Awards for Investigative Journalism in Montenegro

27 September 2023
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A New Boost in Cooperation in South Adriatic Region through the EU Funds

22 September 2023
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YEA co-organise event on the profession of journalism

18 September 2023
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62 new VET projects selected under the 2023 capacity building call

14 September 2023
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2023 State of the Union Address by President von der Leyen

13 September 2023
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Works start on the first school under WBIF-supported education programme in Montenegro

7 September 2023
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“Tourism for Future” Kick off Meeting

7 September 2023
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Regional Call for Civil Society Projects Supporting Youth

3 August 2023
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EU-funded ambulance vehicle for emergency institute in Montenegro

2 August 2023
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SOCIEUX+ forges new partnerships in the Western Balkans

28 July 2023
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Winners Announced: 3 Best Entries of the Berlin Logo Competition 2023 Awarded by RYCO, Albanian and German Governments

28 July 2023
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Support for regional cooperation among Western Balkan business people has risen from 69% last year, to 74%

28 July 2023
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“Coffee with Ambassador” event in Europe House Montenegro

27 July 2023
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Regional Cooperation Council published the results of Balkan Barometer

20 July 2023
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Support for five projects in the field of human rights promotion and development of a democratic political culture

20 July 2023
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A YEA Pop-Up Event at the University of Regensburg Draws Interest from EU Students

19 July 2023
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RCC, EESC set to deepen civil society and youth engagement in region’s reform processes

14 July 2023
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RCC’s trademark digital competition – BALKATHON 4.0 – is on! apply now!

14 July 2023
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New investments given green light at WBIF 4th Operational Board

14 July 2023
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Final conference of project “COVID Complementary measure ─ Support to SME in Montenegro

13 July 2023
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Call for EU Investigative Journalism Award 2023 is now closed

7 July 2023
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RCC and DG NEAR organize a high-level conference on cybersecurity in the Western Balkans

7 July 2023
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Queering at Europe House, it happened

6 July 2023
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Rural Tourism for Stronger Local Communities

6 July 2023
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Erasmus+: New funding for European Universities alliances boosts cooperation in higher education

3 July 2023
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Digital Europe Programme opens to candidate countries Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, and Serbia to access calls for funding

3 July 2023
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European Commission launched an additional €2.1 billion investment package for the Western Balkans under the Economic and Investment Plan

3 July 2023
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New European Bauhaus Prizes and European Urban Initiative Call: meet the winners

23 June 2023
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RCC Receives Annual Prespa Forum Dialogue 2023 Award

22 June 2023
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MADE OF US: A Remarkable Adventure Successfully Comes to an End!

20 June 2023
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Dive into the exciting world of EU Green Week

16 June 2023
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Montenegro: Joint Statement by High Representative/ Vice-President Josep Borrell and Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi on the elections

15 June 2023
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WeBalkans at the European Youth Event 2023 in Strasbourg

13 June 2023
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The EU disburses €450 million to the Western Balkans partners delivering on the Energy Support Package for the region

12 June 2023
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The final conference of the ‘EU Support to the WB6 CIF’ project

9 June 2023
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Commission wraps up roundtable meetings with cultural and creative sectors

8 June 2023
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No Borders orchestra is the champion of regional cooperation for 2022

7 June 2023
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Exhibition on biodiversity at Gorica Hill showcases 18 permanent panels

6 June 2023
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Shadow Report for Chapter 27 “Progress on Hold” presented at Europe House Podgorica

6 June 2023
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President Ursula von der Leyen Presents Growth Plan for the Western Balkans at GLOBSEC 2023 Bratislava Forum

6 June 2023
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Keynote speech by President von der Leyen at the GLOBSEC 2023 Bratislava Forum

2 June 2023
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35th WBIF Project Financiers’ Group (PFG) Meeting, 24-25 May 2023

2 June 2023
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How Creative Europe aims to go green

1 June 2023
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Europe House in Podgorica celebrated its first birthday

1 June 2023
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2023 Young European Heritage Makers competition announced

26 May 2023
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Documentary film on ecotourism across territories of Montenegro, Albania, and Kosovo premiered in Podgorica

26 May 2023
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First Robotics League for Primary School Students with EU Support

26 May 2023
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High Representative Borrell and Commissioner Johansson host high-level ministerial conference on the Roadmap to comprehensive Small Arms and Light Weapons control in the Western Balkans

17 May 2023
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Connecting Europe: Commission signs high-level agreements with Western Balkans to improve transport links

17 May 2023
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Connectivity Summit “Sustainable Links-Stronger Economy”

17 May 2023
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Launch of new project to enhance judicial cooperation within and with the Western Balkans

17 May 2023
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New opportunities for vulnerable communities through the socially responsible public procurement

17 May 2023
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Europe House in the Universe of Children’s Imagination

17 May 2023
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Boosting private sector finance for investments under Global Gateway and Economic and Investment Plans

17 May 2023
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Border management: EU signs status agreement with Montenegro

16 May 2023
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Commissioner Oliver Várhelyi in Bulgaria to participate in the “EU meets the Balkans” Forum

15 May 2023
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Calls Opens for EU Investigative Journalism Award 2023

10 May 2023
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Europe Day celebrated in Bar

10 May 2023
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“Coffee with Ambassadors” marks the beginning of Europe Day celebration

10 May 2023
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YEAs at Europe Day 2023 in Brussels

10 May 2023
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€3 million project Perform Europe 2 to make sustainable touring a reality

5 May 2023
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Moderate progress of the Western Balkan economies regarding the European pillar of social rights

5 May 2023
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Equipment worth €940,000 as support for the transport sector in Montenegro

5 May 2023
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European Union launches the third phase of its Roma Integration programme in partnership with the Council of Europe

4 May 2023
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Decrease of data roaming fees between the Western Balkans and the EU

3 May 2023
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Winners of the 2023 EU Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Türkiye announced

3 May 2023
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Kick-off for Montenegro Broadband Infrastructure Development Technical Assistance Project

28 April 2023
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Speech by President von der Leyen at the Roma Week 2023, via video message

28 April 2023
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RCC convenes major Western Balkan stakeholders for workshop on media literacy and countering hybrid threats and disinformation

27 April 2023
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Italy, Albania, and Montenegro Strengthen Cross-Border Cooperation

26 April 2023
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Europe House donated and installed birdhouses in Bar

26 April 2023
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MADE OF US: An incredible adventure has just begun!

19 April 2023
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“Made of us” – Campaign launch event

11 April 2023
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CONNECTA workshops ‘Technical Assistance for the Deployment of Smart and Sustainable Mobility in the Western Balkans’

3 April 2023
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NGO forum on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans

31 March 2023
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Here are the winners of the 2022 Young European Heritage Makers Competition

31 March 2023
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Boosting digital development of the Western Balkans

31 March 2023
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Third edition of ETF Green Skills Award champions global sustainability and growth

23 March 2023
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WeBalkans Announces Winners of ‘Made of Us’ Vlogger Competition

21 March 2023
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RHP stakeholders celebrate the opening of Home for Elderly in Nikšić, Montenegro

20 March 2023
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Apply now: new Culture Moves Europe call for residency hosts

20 March 2023
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EU energy support package of €30 million to help the most vulnerable households and SMEs in Montenegro

20 March 2023
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Here are the 2023 European Union Prize for Literature nominees

17 March 2023
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96 newly constructed apartments delivered to RHP beneficiaries in Montenegro

17 March 2023
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RCC presents Western Balkans women entrepreneurs of the year 2022

16 March 2023
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Oktoih Elementary School Students visit Europe House

14 March 2023
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YEAs of Montenegro organise a panel discussion on Social Media Activism and Gender Equality

10 March 2023
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YEA organise street action to mark 8 March International Women’s day

8 March 2023
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BIRN Kicks Off Project Strengthening Quality Journalism in Western Balkans and Türkiye II

3 March 2023
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EU Ambassador visits Municipality of Kolasin: €9 million for Kolasin’s infrastructural problems

2 March 2023
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EIB Global investments reached €824 million in the Western Balkans in 2022, complemented by €11.2 million in grants

1 March 2023
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2023 Erasmus+ European Universities call attracts 65 proposals involving 500 institutions across Europe

16 February 2023
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TEDxYouth@MarijinDvor, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

15 February 2023
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Call for applications now open for the 2023 EU Award for Roma integration in the Western Balkans and Türkiye

14 February 2023
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RCC: Nominations for Western Balkans women entrepreneurs of the year 2022 open

10 February 2023
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EU Communication Workshop with YEAs in Skopje, North Macedonia

7 February 2023
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Open Call for Expressions of Interest in Cultural Leadership and Media Programmes

6 February 2023
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EU agrees 24 new guarantee programmes to boost investments in enlargement and neighbourhood regions

27 January 2023
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Media and Information Literacy Workshops by YEAs start in the Western Balkans!

26 January 2023
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RCC launches a campaign to encourage young women and girls across the Western Balkans to choose careers in STEM

23 January 2023
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Commission publishes report on health and wellbeing of musicians

20 January 2023
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Tell us your European heritage story – new funding call for European Heritage Days 2023

20 January 2023
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EU, EBRD and Sweden support SMEs and female entrepreneurs in Montenegro

27 December 2022
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EU and IFC sign the 1st of a series of EU Economic and Investment Plan projects

27 December 2022
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Ambassador Popa met with the Young European Ambassadors

27 December 2022
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Journalist safety index: Montenegro is third in the region

21 December 2022
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BIRN Trains 30 Journalists in Audience Engagement Reporting

20 December 2022
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€1 billion Energy Support Package for the Western Balkans

20 December 2022
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Commission publishes new report on culture for sustainable development in EU actions

19 December 2022
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Two cities short-listed to become European Capital of Culture 2028 in a candidate country

17 December 2022
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RCC hosts the second Butterfly Innovation and Business Forum in Sarajevo

15 December 2022
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Winners of human rights online game prizes have been announced in Montenegro

14 December 2022
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Vice-President Pavlova pledges EIB Global support for the energy crisis at the EU Western Balkans Summit

8 December 2022
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The Regional Housing Programme celebrates the delivery of its 10 000 home in the Western Balkans

7 December 2022
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MADE OF US: An incredible adventure is about to begin in spring 2023

7 December 2022
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EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana reaffirms the EU membership perspective of the Western Balkans and EU’s strategic partnership with the region

6 December 2022
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Significant reduction of data roaming prices between Western Balkans and EU to start as of 1 October 2023

6 December 2022
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New European Bauhaus: applications for the 2023 Prizes open to the Western Balkans

6 December 2022
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EU-Western Balkans Summit in Tirana to reconfirm the EU’s strategic bond with accession partners

5 December 2022
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Migration routes: Commission proposes Action Plan for cooperation with Western Balkans to address common challenges

5 December 2022
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Media literacy training at Europe House in Podgorica

2 December 2022
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YEAs at EYE Varaždin

1 December 2022
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Creative Europe call for cooperation projects

24 November 2022
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Fourth Regional Forum on Ending Violence against Women in the Western Balkans and Türkiye

24 November 2022
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58 new VET projects selected under first ever capacity building call by ERASMUS+

24 November 2022
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European investors gather for a presentation of the opportunities and advantages of doing business in the Western Balkans

24 November 2022
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M’BASE programme supports 23 civil society projects in Montenegro

24 November 2022
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TAIEX Prosecutors Forum tackles cross-border economic and cyber crimes

23 November 2022
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Mental health focus to RCC Western Balkans Youth Lab conference in Pristina

21 November 2022
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New edition of EU-Western Balkans Media Conference in Albania reaffirms the importance of media freedom and freedom of expression

18 November 2022
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Creative Europe publishes call to support literary translations

17 November 2022
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EU Investigative Journalism Award Winners for 2022 announced at the EU Western Balkans Media Conference in Tirana

17 November 2022
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34th WBIF Project Financiers’ Group (PFG) Meeting, 11 November 2022

16 November 2022
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145 projects selected for Erasmus+ higher education capacity building funding

11 November 2022
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New edition of EU-Western Balkans Media Conference taking place on 10-11 November in Albania

10 November 2022
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Two EU-funded clinics to be constructed in 18 months in Montenegro

9 November 2022
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YEA participate at the Western Balkans Youth Forum

7 November 2022
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Berlin Process Summit: EU announces €1 billion energy support package for the Western Balkans and welcomes new agreements to strengthen the Common Regional Market

3 November 2022
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YEAs participate in European Migration Forum in Brussels

28 October 2022
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BIRN Holds Visual Storytelling Workshop for Youngsters Interested in Transitional Justice

27 October 2022
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ErasmusDays: 6,300 local events celebrated Erasmus+

27 October 2022
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RYCO and Superschools Delegation Participate in Berlin Process Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on the Western Balkans

27 October 2022
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President von der Leyen in the Western Balkans to discuss EU support to deal with the energy crisis

27 October 2022
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EU increases support for border and migration management in the Western Balkans

27 October 2022
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Third generation of Young European Ambassadors from the Western Balkans join the network

27 October 2022
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EU Cooperation Day 2022 celebrated in Berane

21 October 2022
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EU and Western Balkans mobile operators to work together on steps to start roaming charge reduction

21 October 2022
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EU4Youth Days in Brussels with YEA participation

20 October 2022
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Nominations open for Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award

18 October 2022
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Culture Moves Europe call for artists

14 October 2022
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2022 Enlargement Package: European Commission assesses reforms in the Western Balkans and Türkiye and recommends candidate status for Bosnia and Herzegovina

12 October 2022
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Regional closing conference on joint EU and CoE Horizontal Facility programme

7 October 2022
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Montenegro joins the European Migration Network as an Observer Country

3 October 2022
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YEAs join EU beach clean-up activity in Montenegro

28 September 2022
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EU Civil Society Survey for the Western Balkans and Turkey

28 September 2022
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State of the Union address 2022 by President Ursula von der Leyen

13 September 2022
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Balkathon 3.0 winners announced

9 September 2022
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EU support for the 16th Guitar Art Summer Fest in Montenegro

24 August 2022
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Young European Ambassadors attend the Sarajevo Film festival

24 August 2022
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YEAs play an active role in EXIT festival

12 August 2022
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YEAs participate in ‘So Keres Europa?!’ forum in Tirana, Albania

8 August 2022
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YEA joins Roma Holocaust Memorial Day

3 August 2022
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EU adopts the IPARD III programme for Montenegro

29 July 2022
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YEAs meet Western Balkan Youth orchestra

25 July 2022
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EU rolls out €21 million mobility scheme for culture professionals

25 July 2022
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EU supports the first International Prosciutto Fair in Montenegro

25 July 2022
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Western Balkans Youth Orchestra Summer Tour 2022

19 July 2022
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YEA at EXIT Festival in Novi Sad

18 July 2022
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Conference in Belgrade on Western Balkans and European foreign and security policy

18 July 2022
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Successful completion of the first cycle of the Superschools exchange scheme

18 July 2022
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Research shows the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups in Montenegro

18 July 2022
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EU-Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Council

14 July 2022
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Support to media freedom and pluralism in the Western Balkans

8 July 2022
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ADRION Programme opens a new call for universities, research centres and business institutions

30 June 2022
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Winners of the Regional Butterfly Innovation Award announced in Tirana

30 June 2022
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EU launches new guidelines to support civil society in the Enlargement Region

30 June 2022
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The EU and the Western Balkans strengthen ties in first ministerial meeting on culture

30 June 2022
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Pride Month widely supported by YEAs across the region

28 June 2022
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Young European Ambassadors at Prespa Forum

23 June 2022
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UNICEF and the EU in Montenegro celebrate Parenting Month

23 June 2022
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European Council adopts assistance measure for the Balkan Medical Task Force

23 June 2022
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Construction of a wastewater treatment plant in Podgorica gets underway

21 June 2022
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Final conference of Western Balkans Youth Lab project

21 June 2022
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Public opinion poll shows a strong support for the EU in Montenegro

21 June 2022
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Europeans Making A Difference campaign launched

14 June 2022
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European collaboration to boost media experimentation and innovation

14 June 2022
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Pollinator Park inspires high school students on World Environment Day

14 June 2022
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Western Balkans Road Summit organised in Tirana

14 June 2022
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EU Western Balkans and Turkey Civil Society Forum concludes in Skopje

13 June 2022
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YEA Open Days get underway across the Western Balkans

9 June 2022
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Event shares initiatives to support connectivity and transport in the Western Balkans

8 June 2022
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Regional conference on countering disinformation

8 June 2022
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The New European Bauhaus Festival

8 June 2022
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Civil Society Forum 2022

1 June 2022
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Modernised Europe House opened in Podgorica

1 June 2022
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New call for Young European Ambassadors is now open!

26 May 2022
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EU supports culture in Western Balkans with €8 million initiative

26 May 2022
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Winners of the 2022 “Most Roma Friendly Mayor” award announced

18 May 2022
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2022 Young European Heritage Makers competition announced

18 May 2022
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EIB grant of up to €2.9 million to improve education in Montenegro

18 May 2022
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The coal regions programme launches exchanges between Western Balkans and EU

18 May 2022
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7th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region

17 May 2022
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RCC hosts Western Balkans ministerial conference on tourism development

13 May 2022
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Balkathon 3.0 is on

13 May 2022
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New deadline for EU Investigative Journalism Award for 2022

12 May 2022
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YEAs at Europe Day in Brussels

10 May 2022
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The Western Balkans celebrates Europe Day

10 May 2022
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YEAs participate in European Forum of Young Leaders

6 May 2022
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Balkan Trafik Festival brings WB culture to Brussels

6 May 2022
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EU and Western Balkans partners join forces to tackle disinformation

6 May 2022
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Youth Dialogue campaign in Montenegro

4 May 2022
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Media integrity in the age of disinformation

27 April 2022
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Global Cultural Relations Programme participants announced

27 April 2022
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TAIEX supports local governments in Montenegro in the fight against marine pollution

27 April 2022
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New grants for civil society to strengthen participatory democracy

25 April 2022
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Open call for EU Investigative Journalism Award

15 April 2022
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Youth from Montenegro discuss European values with diplomats

15 April 2022
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Western Balkans Fund announces 30 winning projects

7 April 2022
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RCC launches Butterfly Innovation award

4 April 2022
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“Block the Hatred. Share the Love!” campaign launched in Tirana

29 March 2022
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EIB scales up private sector support in Montenegro

29 March 2022
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Seven days, 45 young people, 1,540 kilometres, seven cities

29 March 2022
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Over 1,500 citizens participate in YEA street action on 8 March

21 March 2022
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Removing barriers to rail transport in Western Balkans

16 March 2022
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RCC presents Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurship

14 March 2022
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EU launches “SHEroism” campaign in Montenegro

14 March 2022
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International Women’s Day celebrated by YEAs all over the Western Balkans

11 March 2022
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The Route WB6 volunteer caravan tours eight towns in the Western Balkans

11 March 2022
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Green Skills Award 2022

11 March 2022
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Taskforce on disinformation about the war in Ukraine

11 March 2022
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Commissioner Várhelyi attends Western Balkans Investment Summit 2022

1 March 2022
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New master’s programmes join Erasmus Mundus catalogue

28 February 2022
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European Commission launches €3.2 billion investment to advance sustainable connectivity in the Western Balkans

25 February 2022
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Montenegro and EU discuss rule of law challenges and steps forward

24 February 2022
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Creative Europe launches 2022 call for European cooperation projects

21 February 2022
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RCC launches Western Balkans Women Entrepreneurs of the Year award

21 February 2022
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Winner announced of the YEA writing competition on EU values

17 February 2022
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€853 million of EIB investments in the Western Balkans in 2021

9 February 2022
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Results of the study for improvement of digital infrastructure in Montenegro

28 January 2022
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RYCO announces final list of first Superschools

28 January 2022
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€385.5 million from EU Solidarity Fund for COVID-19 health emergency

21 January 2022
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European Year of Youth kicks off

17 January 2022
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Creative Europe: €385 million in 2022 for cultural and creative sectors

17 January 2022
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Winners of the Young European Heritage Makers Competition selected

6 January 2022
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CEFTA Week 2021 held in North Macedonia

17 December 2021
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EU launches “Block the hatred. Share the love” campaign in Montenegro

16 December 2021
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EU publishes a new guide on cultural and creative sector funding

16 December 2021
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YEA network presents at the RYCO volunteering conference

13 December 2021
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Second regional thematic Youth Lab on mental health launches in Tirana

13 December 2021
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Additional EU grant to improve wastewater services in Montenegro

13 December 2021
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Western Balkan partners join Horizon Europe

13 December 2021
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Erasmus+: €3.9 billion in 2022 for education, training, youth and sport

6 December 2021
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European Union launches Global Team Europe Democracy initiative

6 December 2021
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Global Gateway: up to €300 billion for sustainable links around the world

6 December 2021
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Climathon in Montengro generates ideas for challenging climate change

6 December 2021
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Third regional forum on ending violence against women in the Western Balkans and Turkey

6 December 2021
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Youth from EU and Western Balkans gather to discuss “What is Europe?”

30 November 2021
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EIB supports Montenegro with €50 million loan for COVID-19 recovery

26 November 2021
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EU supports the civil society regional actions in the Western Balkans

23 November 2021
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EU, EBRD and Austria donate trees for a greener Western Balkans region

17 November 2021
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#TogetherIsPossible – second communication campaign for Western Balkans now live!

15 November 2021
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Welcome to the new Young European Ambassadors from the Western Balkans!

9 November 2021
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WORTH II: Inspiring innovation through creative connections around Europe

5 November 2021
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Western Balkans economies recover faster than expected

5 November 2021
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EU marks Climate Diplomacy week in Montengro with tree planting

5 November 2021
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Regional news editors meet to discuss restoring trust in media

1 November 2021
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BIRN publishes oral history videos with war survivors’ stories

1 November 2021
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EU supports development of broadband infrastructure in Montenegro

25 October 2021
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EC sets out reform priorities for the Western Balkans and Turkey

20 October 2021
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Innovative digital solution products presented at the WB Digital Summit

18 October 2021
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#ErasmusDays 2021: three days to learn everything about the programme

15 October 2021
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Young European Ambassadors embrace green activism

15 October 2021
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YEA “Voices from the Western Balkans” at EYE 2021

15 October 2021
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Western Balkans Digital Summit opens in Podgorica

12 October 2021
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EU and Western Balkans launch a joint Innovation Agenda

11 October 2021
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EU-Western Balkans meet in summit at Brdo pri Kranju – Sign Declaration

6 October 2021
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Make your school a Superschool

5 October 2021
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President von der Leyen wraps up Western Balkans visit

1 October 2021
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Winners of the 2021 EU Award for Roma Integration in the Western Balkans and Turkey announced

29 September 2021
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President Von der Leyen visits the Western Balkans

29 September 2021
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EU supporting the Western Balkans to combat cross-border crime

29 September 2021
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Italy to host EU-Balkan Youth Forum in November

29 September 2021
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Working together to protect marine life: #EUBeachCleanup Albania

20 September 2021
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€14.2 billion to help accession countries implementing EU-related reforms

16 September 2021
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“The Future is on Tracks” Western Balkans Rail Summit

16 September 2021
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Join the 2021 European Researchers’ Night

13 September 2021
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EU-Western Balkans meeting on fight against firearms trafficking

9 September 2021
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Young people meet to challenge history and shape a shared future

6 September 2021
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Young European Ambassadors celebrate first birthday

25 August 2021
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Vote for the next group of Young European Ambassadors!

23 August 2021
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EU Ambassador to Montenegro visits EU projects in Tivat

12 August 2021
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EU supports workshop on writing stories on war crime victims’ experiences

6 August 2021
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EU supports Montenegro to increase protection of victims in courts

2 August 2021
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EU funds a bicycle race promoting cross border tourism

2 August 2021
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Montenegro wants municipalities to engage more in EU process

2 August 2021
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EU expertise now available as TAIEX webinars

23 July 2021
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EU allocates €13.5 million for civil society in the Western Balkans

13 July 2021
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Yes, you! – a great opportunity for young people in Montenegro

13 July 2021
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The deadline for a new call for Young European Ambassadors extended to 30 July

12 July 2021
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YEAs go to EXIT Festival

12 July 2021
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New call for Albania-Montenegro cross-border projects

9 July 2021
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Young people create regional youth agenda for the Western Balkans

9 July 2021
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EU funded PowerUP programme announces winners of Western Balkan Excellence Award

6 July 2021
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Berlin Summit: Western Balkans strengthen regional cooperation and foster closer ties with the EU

6 July 2021
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EU promotes sustainable fashion through a festival in Montenegro

5 July 2021
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The Western Balkans becomes a roaming free zone

1 July 2021
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Western Balkans Youth Forum 2021 kicks off today!

29 June 2021
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The pandemic reshapes TAIEX and Twinning

26 June 2021
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EU Awards for Investigative Journalism presented in Montenegro

17 June 2021
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Commissioner Várhelyi at Tirana Summit with the Western Balkans leaders

11 June 2021
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Pandemic-proof local food shopping in Montenegro

11 June 2021
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New call for Young European Ambassadors

9 June 2021
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Street performance against corruption in Podgorica

4 June 2021
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Political agreement on €14.2 billion Pre-Accession Assistance Instrument

4 June 2021
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EU disburses a further €460 million to mitigate economic fallout of COVID-19

2 June 2021
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The RCC presents winners of the BALKATHON 2.0 competition

2 June 2021
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Young designer from Albania wins Berlin Process logo competition

2 June 2021
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Training programme for CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey

2 June 2021
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Grants for promoting digital agenda for Western Balkan CSOs

28 May 2021
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New call for cross border projects Montenegro-Kosovo

28 May 2021
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Open call for storytelling workshop for young people

28 May 2021
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Investing in climate resilience in Montenegro and Serbia

28 May 2021
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Over €2 billion from EU to support culture, including Western Balkans

28 May 2021
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EU invests an additional €40 million to help ease impact of COVID-19 crisis

20 May 2021
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Western Balkan Youth Talks: how can the EU connect better with youth?

11 May 2021
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EU Cohesion policy: EUSAIR kicks-off its 6th Annual Forum

11 May 2021
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#EuropeDay – the EU throws open its virtual doors!

7 May 2021
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Commissioner Várhelyi travels to the Western Balkans as first EU funded vaccines arrive

3 May 2021
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EU Open Data Days – Shaping our future with open data

30 April 2021
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EU and EFSE unleash additional €40 million in response to the pandemic

30 April 2021
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TAIEX flagship event: taking the European Green Deal beyond EU borders

29 April 2021
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The EU supports Western Balkans with a new project on prevention of radicalisation

23 April 2021
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The EU and Austria secure COVID-19 vaccines for the Western Balkans

23 April 2021
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The Power of a Hashtag – Online Youth Activism Event

13 April 2021
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Balkan Trafik festival celebrates its 15th anniversary online

13 April 2021
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The house of Nobel laureate Ivo Andrić in Montenegro turned into an Eco-museum

7 April 2021
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Call for proposals for youth employability in Montenegro

5 April 2021
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Erasmus+ brings over €26.2 billion to support mobility and cooperation

31 March 2021
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EU provides up to €60 million in highly favourable loans to Montenegro

31 March 2021
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COVID-19: EU delivers medical items to Montenegro and North Macedonia

29 March 2021
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EBRD and EU launch energy efficiency programme for homes in Montenegro

19 March 2021
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New Youth Newsroom for young journalists in South East Europe and Turkey

17 March 2021
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Albania, Montenegro and Serbia set to benefit from additional support to fight pandemic

11 March 2021
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EFSE facilitates prizes and visibility for women entrepreneurs in tech

5 March 2021
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EU and UN Women address the violence against women in the Western Balkans

5 March 2021
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RCC webinars on tourism products for new markets

5 March 2021
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RCC awards six innovative digital solution projects on tourism in the Western Balkans

2 March 2021
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Skills gap growing in EU neighbourhood

24 February 2021
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European Research Council kicks off Horizon Europe for 2021

22 February 2021
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EU supports vaccination efforts in the Western Balkans

19 February 2021
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EU launches the secretariat of a new initiative for coal regions in transition

19 February 2021
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RYCO and EU fund new project in Montenegro

18 February 2021
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Montenegro improves its Customs online system

15 February 2021
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Coronavirus: EU sends further medical material to neighbouring countries

11 February 2021
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Applications now open for 2021 EU Award for Roma integration

8 February 2021
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The EIB Group boosts financing for the Western Balkans in 2020

3 February 2021
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Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) launches the 2021 Social Cohesion Award to recognise outstanding social action in Europe

22 January 2021
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EU continues to help the Roma community in Montenegro

22 December 2020
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The first hackathon dedicated to climate change in Montenegro

22 December 2020
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The Regional Cooperation Council and UNDP launch Women’s Economic Empowerment Initiative

10 December 2020
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Statement by High Representative / Vice-President Borrell and Commissioner Várhelyi on the elections

1 September 2020
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Team Europe: fighting the pandemic and infodemic in the Western Balkans, including Montenegro

6 August 2020
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High Representative / Vice President Josep Borrell met with the Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković

14 July 2020


This fact sheet provides information on the EU support to Roma integration in the Western Balkans

Author: European Union

Factsheets | Published in: 2024

This fact sheet provides information on the EU support to Roma integration in the Western Balkans

Factsheet: EU Support to Civil Society in the Western Balkans and Türkiye

Author: Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations

Factsheets | Published in: 2024

Factsheet: EU Support to Civil Society in the Western Balkans and Türkiye

Key milestones

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Application for EU Membership


Entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement


Candidate country status granted


EU Accession Negotiations opened


After eight years of accession negotiations all the 33 screened chapters have been opened, of which 3 are provisionally closed.

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