Culture Connects | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

#EUandYOU for
in the Western Balkans

Culture Connects

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The European Union supports the vibrant and unique cultural heritage of the Western Balkans.

EU-supported projects foster collaboration across borders, enriching the Western Balkans cultural landscape. With over a thousand projects and still going strong, we celerbate over a decade of the EU's Creative Europe programme supporting culture and arts in the Western Balkans.

Unity in Diversity

The lively cultural scene of the Western Balkans is composed of diverse cultures, akin to a beautiful embroidery inspired by a rich cultural heritage. These cultures unite to make the Western Balkans strong and vibrant.

Culture Matters

The European Union appreciates and values the unique cultural identities of the Western Balkans. It helps preserve cultural traditions while also assisting artists in connecting these traditions to contemporary cultural trends, creating a prominent cultural scene in the Western Balkans.

Cross-Cultural Connections

EU projects help artists to collaborate across borders, making the Western Balkans' cultural scene richer. The EU support has not only connected artists but people, bringing positive changes and bringing the Western Balkans closer to the European Union through the power of art.

Art Speaks Volumes

The European Union and the Western Balkans share a common cultural heritage that empowers people to recognise their cultural connections and feel a sense of belonging. Thanks to EU support, artists are making a significant impact, bringing positive change to their communities.

Facts and Figures

Meet Our Cultural Ambassadors

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Our Stories

Find out how the Western Balkans’ rich cultural landscape is being revitalized with the help of the European Union though our stories from EU-funded projects.

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