Aleksandar Novković | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Aleksandar Novković



EU integration, Environmental protection, Human rights, Health and well-being


My name is Aleksandar Novković and I work as a paralegal in Clarivate, an international company, in a Department for Intellectual Property in Belgrade, Serbia. I am a holder of a BA Degree in Political Science from the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, and an MA Degree from the University of Vienna, Department of Political Science, specializing in International Relations and Eastern Europe. During my BA studies, I spent one semester at the University of Vienna as part of the Erasmus+ Programme and received a scholarship to participate in the annual European Forum Alpbach in Austria in 2018. During my MA studies, I spent one semester in Berlin, Germany at the Humboldt University, which was accompanied by a traineeship in the German Parliament with the IPS scholarship. Furthermore, I was a research intern within the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the OSCE.


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