YEAs advocate for gender equality on International Women’s Day | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

YEAs advocate for gender equality on International Women’s Day

YEAs across the region marked International Women’s Day with inspiring initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality and amplifying women’s voices. From panel discussions to artistic activism, YEAs actively engaged with communities, fostering important conversations on women’s empowerment.

In Montenegro, YEA Boris Vukotić and his NGO PsihoKrug organized a workshop at Europe House Podgorica, exploring the difference between gender and sex and the importance of inclusivity in everyday life. Meanwhile, across the border in Bosnia and Herzegovina, YEA Tesnim Karišik captivated the public with a powerful artistic installation titled “Why Do Our Roses Wither?” sheding light on femicide and gender-based violence, sparking emotional reactions and deep reflection among passersby who stopped to observe and contribute.

In Serbia, YEA Andrea Darabašić hosted a podcast with EU House Belgrade on women in science, featuring entrepreneur Zoja Kukić, and created the reel Her Journey, showcasing successful women in various careers.

In North Macedonia, YEAs joined multiple events within the Europe House network, discussing women’s leadership and career challenges. YEA Rita Behadini moderated the panel (Fe)male Effect: Her Story, Her Path, Her Power at Europe House Tetovo, facilitating discussions on the barriers and opportunities for women in leadership.p.

Europe House Podgorica hosted the Women in Eco Business panel discussion, moderated by YEA Selda Jahjagić. The event featured five distinguished women entrepreneurs who shared their experiences and insights into sustainable business practices, highlighting the critical role women play in eco-conscious entrepreneurship.

YEAs from Kosovo and Albania continued their support for women’s empowerment through their social media, sharing inspiring content and amplifying youth-led initiatives focused on gender equality.

Through these initiatives, YEAs reinforced their commitment to gender equality, encouraging young people to take an active role in shaping a more inclusive and equitable society.

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