YEAs participate in European Forum of Young Leaders News | WeBalkans

YEAs participate in European Forum of Young Leaders

06 May 2022

YEAs participate in European Forum of Young Leaders

The European Forum of Young Leaders, a four-day hybrid conference, has concluded in Katowice, Poland. The Forum provided a space for young participants from the European Union, Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Caucasus to reflect on the current political situation, share experience and establish new contacts. The event included panel discussions and thematic sessions on aspects of cooperation for European youth, with a special focus on the situation of Ukrainian youth. Other themes of the Forum included the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the European Youth Strategy 2019-2027, and the priorities of the EU Youth Programmes 2021-2027 including inclusion and diversity, digital transformation, the environment and the fight against climate change, and participation in democratic life.


This year Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) from the Western Balkans participated in the event, attending panels, gathering useful contacts, and meeting professionals from their fields of work and study.


This was the 14th edition of this event, traditionally organised by SALTO-YOUTH which is part of ERASMUS +

Source: SALTO 

Photo credits: SALTO

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