Shadow Report for Chapter 27 “Progress on Hold” presented at Europe House Podgorica

Shadow Report for Chapter 27 “Progress on Hold” presented at Europe House Podgorica
Ahead of the European Green Week, Coalition 27 presented the Shadow Report for Chapter 27: “Progress on Hold,” aiming to provide an overall picture of Montenegro’s progress in the EU accession process from January 2022 to May 2023, regarding the improvement of the environmental protection and climate change situation.
The assessment of the implemented activities in this field is already implied in the report’s title, “Progress on Hold” (draft). Aside from analysing substantial issues, the report also includes a set of recommendations to strengthen the process of transposing and implementing the EU legislation covered by Chapter 27.
The report was prepared as part of the project “Empowering Civil Society Participation in the Environmental Sector in the EU Accession Process (4E),” which is financially supported by the European Union through the Civil Society Facility 2021 and the Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy 2021.
Source: Europe House Podgorica
Photo credits: Europe House Podgorica