RYCO and EU celebrate successes of projects supported in Albania

RYCO and EU celebrate successes of projects supported in Albania
The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) organised an online final event within its EU-supported project “Enhancing Youth Cooperation and Youth Exchange in the WB6” in Tirana on 3 February. The event presented the results of two projects from Albania supported within the fourth RYCO open call for project proposals. In his opening remarks, the Head of the RYCO local branch office in Albania, Kreshnik Loka, commented on how young people had once again shown their commitment and interest in meeting and working with their peers from the region, and underlined that this project had paved the way for sustainable cooperation not only between young people but also for civil society in the region.
The projects supported by RYCO and the EU within the fourth open call across the Western Balkans fostered reconciliation and regional youth cooperation, as well as strengthening civil society’s capacity to adapt to the COVID-19 environment. They were implemented from February to October 2021.
During the application phase, 129 applications were received, creating 400 partnerships from the region. The overall financial envelope for the call was €333,000.
Source: RYCO
Photo credits: RYCO