European Union Prize for Literature 2022 winner announced
European Union Prize for Literature 2022 winner announced
An international jury announced the 2022 winner and the five special mentions for the European Union Prize for Literature at the Paris Book Fair. Georgian writer Iva Pezuashvili won the prize for her book, A garbage chute. The jury also gave a special mention to writers from Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland, Spain, and Ukraine.
The 2022 selection displays a great variety of languages, countries, stories, and voices, illustrating EU and Creative Europe openness to cultural and linguistic diversity within and beyond the EU. The winner and nominated authors will get ongoing promotion at European level to help them to reach a wider and more international audience, as well as to connect with readers beyond their national and linguistic borders.
Since 2009, the European Union Prize for Literature has recognised emerging fiction writers from the European Union and beyond. The Prize celebrates outstanding new literary talents from all the 41 countries participating in Creative Europe.
Source: Creative Europe
Photo credits: Creative Europe