EU donates IT and laboratory equipment to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Indirect Taxation Authority News | WeBalkans

EU donates IT and laboratory equipment to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Indirect Taxation Authority

30 Jun 2022

EU donates IT and laboratory equipment to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Indirect Taxation Authority

The European Union has donated 1,250 laptops, desktop PCs, servers, firewalls and other high-quality laboratory equipment to the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The equipment is worth a total of €2.3 million and will help the ITA to improve its everyday business, apply qualified digital signatures, customs and taxation simplified procedures and further improve the performance of the customs laboratory.


The Head of the EU Delegation and the EU Special Representative in BiH Ambassador, Johann Sattler, visited the Indirect Taxation Authority Customs laboratory in Ramići near Banja Luka on 21 June and, together with Director Miro Džakula, toured the ITA BiH premises and inspected the donated equipment.


From 1 August, the ITA BiH will start using a new computerised transit system at national level. The implementation of the new law on customs policy from 1 August will enable the application of simplified customs procedures.

Source: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo credits: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

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