Bosnia and Herzegovina joins EU Civil Protection Mechanism News | WeBalkans

Bosnia and Herzegovina joins EU Civil Protection Mechanism

09 Sep 2022

Bosnia and Herzegovina joins EU Civil Protection Mechanism

On 6 September Bosnia and Herzegovina became a full member of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism –the European solidarity framework that helps countries when they are overwhelmed by a disaster. The Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, came to Sarajevo to sign the membership agreement on behalf of the European Union.


Bosnia and Herzegovina was already benefiting from the EU Civil Protection Mechanism as a receiving country, but now by being a full member they will also be able to actively dispatch assistance via the Mechanism wherever it is needed. 


The EU Civil Protection Mechanism aims to strengthen cooperation between the 27 EU countries and seven participating States (Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey, and now Bosnia and Herzegovina) on civil protection to improve prevention, preparedness, and response to disasters. Bosnia and Herzegovina’s membership of the Mechanism will enhance Europe’s regional emergency preparedness and rescue capacity.

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Source: DG NEAR

Photo credit: DG NEAR

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