''Bridges Across Borders: Voices of YEAs” project for open discussions on EU values | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

YEA Blog

Young European Ambassadors share their dynamic initiatives, events, and ideas shaping the EU integration journey of the Western Balkans.


“Bridges Across Borders: Voices of YEAs” project for open discussions on EU values

Martin Nikolovski from North Macedonia is the winner of the project ‘Bridges Across Borders: Voices of YEAs’.


Since high school, he has always believed young people should be a voice, not an echo. Becoming a Young European Ambassador in 2022 for him meant continuing his efforts to be an active young person and lending a hand to other ambitious youth around him.


His project aims to use the digital tools to create video interviews showcasing the excellent young people they have in the network and beyond, within the Western Balkans. He always believed that they are not only in the Western Balkans, but also in Southeast Europe. Therefore, by covering the values of human dignity, freedom, democracy and rule of law, he is confident that the interviews in video form will lead to greater participation of young people and facilitate much-needed open discussions on important areas of life.


His project includes a Series of 6 Video Interviews entitled “Bridges Across Borders: Voices of YEAs”.


His primary goal is to raise the awareness of the importance of bringing youth voices into the decision-making processes. This can be only done through substantial involvement of the young people in the region in the processes where decision that will impact their lives the most are made.


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