YEA is proud to present an artist from the Western Balkans who can be described in his own words, reflecting the true values of the Young European Ambassadors:
„I grew up in a neighbourhood in Sarajevo where time was measured by the bells of the catholic church nearby, by those of the orthodox church and by the muezzin’s prayer invocations. Since then all my life and all my music have been marked by the wealth of these different chants. My wish is that this privilege be a natural right for all children. May these three letters be my invocation for peace, and may it be heard.“
Goran Bregović
Very few musicians have managed to develop an art of such amplitude that coherently mixes such a great variety of styles and techniques without losing its identity. A Bregović piece can be recognized on the very first hearing and seems to address the whole Earth with no distinction of race, sex, age or religion.
Interviewer: https://
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