YEAs participate at the Block the hatred. Share inclusion! event in Pljevlja, Montenegro

YEAs participate at the Block the hatred. Share inclusion! event in Pljevlja, Montenegro
Providing a space for young people to voice their opinions, discuss the challenges they face in their local communities is essential for building a more inclusive society, free from discrimination. This was highlighted at a workshop for students that took place in Pljevlja on 23 November as a part of the initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe, “Block the Hatred. Share the Love!” and in co-operation with RYCO – Regional Youth Cooperation Office.The event gathered students, representative of Institutions, local NGO’s from Pljevla and Young European Ambassadors (YEA).
At the event, YEAs and other young people had the opportunity to discuss with the decision-makers in front of the municipality of Pljevlja, the Ombudsman, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Sports and Youth. As part of the discussion, they talked about the ways in which hatred spreads through the system and society and what young people can do to support the institutions to fight the hate speech and show how important respect and unity are. They also pointed out to the benefits of multicultural environment and the need to encourage other young people not to give up and to continue their work and activism for the benefit of their societies.
The “Block the Hatred. Share the Love!” initiative, part of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022, aims to combat various forms of hate speech targeting specific communities and individuals in Montenegro. The campaign is supported by prominent public figures, institutions and activists, who promote diversity and equality in Montenegro and in the region, through personal storytelling, testimonies and exchange of good practices.