YEAs at EYE Varaždin

YEAs at EYE Varaždin
The European Youth Event (EYE) is a regular international event initiated by the European Parliament in 2014, gathering young individuals from all over Europe to share their ideas on Europe’s future. Besides the main event, which takes place every two years in Strasbourg, France, this year two local EYE events were organised as well, with one being in Varaždin, Croatia. Around 600 young people aged 16 to 30 gathered here to socialise and exchange their views with experts, activists, influencers and decision-makers.
The programme included activities and panel discussions such as “Effective Housing Policies for Young People – Wishful Thinking?” and “European Year of Youth 2022”. This year, Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) participated in the EYE Varaždin activities. Along with participation in other activities, YEAs organised six Kahoot quizzes with questions from all six Western Balkan countries. The six winners of the quizzes won package of gadgets.