Successful completion of the first cycle of the Superschools exchange scheme News | WeBalkans

Successful completion of the first cycle of the Superschools exchange scheme

18 Jul 2022

Successful completion of the first cycle of the Superschools exchange scheme

The Regional Annual School Conference took place on Tuesday 5 July in Struga, North Macedonia,  marking the successful completion of the first cycle of the Superschools programme run by the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO). This programme is a part of the “Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme” multi-donor project co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with RYCO.


This event gathered all participating schools represented by a teacher and a student in order to share their experiences, achievements, and results with young people, other teachers from the region, RYCO staff, ministry representatives, donors, and high-level officials. The event promoted the impact of exchanges and RYCO Superschools project in the region. A student fair featured as part of the event and gave the participants the chance to have in-person conversations with the schools that participated in the first cycle of the RYCO Superschools exchanges.

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Source: RYCO

Photo credits: RYCO

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