Schools in Šid foster diversity and tolerance

Schools in Šid foster diversity and tolerance
Pupils of the Sremski Front and Branko Radičević elementary schools and Sava Šumanović high school from Šid marked the International Day of Tolerance, November 16. The students distributed flyers about tolerance in their schools, and then in the city centre talked to the citizens of Šid on the topic of respect and acceptance, interculturality and respect for every person. Migrant students also participated in the programme, and some of them won prizes in the categories of literary and artistic works.
The EU has been supporting Serbian institutions to enable uninterrupted access to education for migrant children since 2015 through assistance to formal and non-formal education. Children and local schools have benefited from assistance by creating an adequate environment for learning and the inclusion of migrant children into the local context.
Source: EU Delegation to Serbia
Photo credits: EU Delegation to Serbia