Meet the 30 Awarded Superchools of Serbia News | WeBalkans

Meet the 30 Awarded Superchools of Serbia

10 Feb 2023

Meet the 30 Awarded Superchools of Serbia

The Regional Youth Cooperation Office’s (RYCO) – Local Branch Office in Serbia in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) organised the introductory event “Meet the Superschools of Serbia” in Belgrade on 1 February 2023. The meeting gathered the 30 awarded high schools from Serbia represented by their principals and teachers in charge of coordinating the upcoming regional exchanges, not only to get to meet with each other but also to be part of a significant momentum such as the signing of the Partnership Agreements.


The directors and professors who will coordinate and implement these youth exchanges presented their ideas that will be further developed with the support of RYCO. The meeting served as a space for the participating schools to present their exchange programs in front of several important local and international actors. Also, it helped them create a clear overview of the program’s next steps. Young people representing the 30 high schools will have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the unique experience that the Superschools program has to offer.


The implementation of the projects will be divided into two rounds: The first round of exchanges will happen from April to June 2023, and the second round will continue from August to October 2023. Each partner school will organise one exchange visit to the partnering one lasting up to 7 days with a group of up to 12 students and 1 to 2 teachers. Through the exchange scheme, students and teachers will have the chance to travel, present themselves, their schools, and customs to their hosts, and learn new things about local communities throughout the region.

Photo credits: RYCO

Source: RYCO

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