MADE OF US: A Remarkable Adventure Successfully Comes to an End!

MADE OF US: A Remarkable Adventure Successfully Comes to an End!
The “Made of Us – An EU-Western Balkans road trip” campaign, supported by the EU and brought to you by WeBalkans, has concluded with great success. The campaign aimed to foster a positive perception of the EU among the people of the Western Balkans, and vice versa. It featured 12 young vloggers, comprising of dynamic individuals from the EU and the Western Balkans, who embarked on a journey together across the Western Balkans. Each vlogger pair documented their experiences and shared captivating online content daily along the way.
Last week on June 12 2023, the vloggers had the chance visit the Berlaymont, the headquarters of the European Commission, and meet Members of Commissioner Varhelyi’s Cabinet as part of the closing event of the Made of Us campaign. The event was a chance for vloggers to showcase their best content and talk about their most memorable travel moments, as well as for the Made of Us team to present the campaign’s preliminary outcomes. After the first presentations, the vloggers moved to DG NEAR headquarters, where they were warmly received by Sigrid Brettel, the Acting Head of Unit of Inter-Institutional Relations and Communication Unit at DG NEAR. During this interaction, the vloggers had the opportunity to further share their personal travel and vlogging experiences, as well as valuable feedback and lessons learnt from the completed journeys. The event concluded with a sightseeing tour of Brussels that was especially arranged for the vloggers to say goodbye to one another and to celebrate the conclusion of the project.
The campaign started on 18 April and continued until 30 May, with each week focusing on one of the WB6 partners. The vloggers covered a total of 18 EU-supported projects, 6000 km by car, and met interesting and inspiring local personalities along the way, all the while showcasing the natural scenery, extraordinary landmarks and unique cultural heritage that the Western Balkans have to offer. The twelve vloggers recorded their experiences using their own equipment and social media channels, translating the journey into high-quality social media and web content, photos and videos, which were disseminated on the WeBalkans channels.
For more information on this exciting journey please the Made of Us campaign page