Little Eco-Artists: Painting Our Future a new project by Aida Fejzullahu and Desantila Muriqi | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

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Young European Ambassadors share their dynamic initiatives, events, and ideas shaping the EU integration journey of the Western Balkans.


Little Eco-Artists: Painting Our Future a new project by Aida Fejzullahu and Desantila Muriqi

Aida Fejzullahu and Desantila Muriqi are winners of the project, “Little Eco-Artists: Painting Our Future.”


To mark both International Children's Day and World Environment Day, these Young European Ambassadors want to combine the themes these two days celebrate and create an educational and creative experience for young children across the Balkans. Their primary goal is to raise environmental awareness among young children and show them they have the power to make a difference. By gifting them painting materials, we hope to inspire ongoing creative expression and advocacy for a sustainable future. Through this project, around 120 children will be engaged from various kindergartens in an immersive learning and artistic activity centred on the environment.


The project activities include Educational Sessions such as an hour-long interactive discussion on environmental topics, followed by an Artistic Expression activity, where children will be given canvases and colours to paint their vision of how they want their cities to look in the future.


Moreover, the project envisages that one Young European Ambassador in each of the WB6 will organise this event in their respective cities, minimising travel and logistical challenges.


After the events, all the canvases will be brought to Prishtina for a permanent exhibition/mosaic at a kindergarten or institution. This exhibition will be a lasting reminder of the children’s creativity and vision for a better future.

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