Ademir Ćosićkić | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Ademir Ćosićkić

Bosnia and Herzegovina


EU integration, Environmental protection, Arts and culture, Technology, Health and well-being


I recently graduated from Tuzla University and received a Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering and Technology. In addition to formal education, I have gained extensive informal education and experience in the non-governmental sector, where I have been active since 2016. I was a volunteer and participant in numerous projects, conferences and festivals such as BH Engineering Weeks Tuzla, the Tuzla Kids Festival, and the Festival of Contemporary Women in Tuzla. I have been part of three ERASMUS+ Youth Exchanges which supported projects held in Portugal, Germany and Croatia. I have been working for two election cycles as a long-term observer for ‘Koalicija “Pod Lupom”’ and gave my small contribution to better and fairer elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, I have been a volunteer and youth worker on projects supported by World Vision Bosnia and Herzegovina, mostly facilitating Life Skills workshops for kids and youngsters. 

During my career as an activist, I realised that only through inclusion, engagement and proactivity things are about to change for the better on individual pathways and at collective levels.


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