Introduction: 35 Degrees is a pioneering social enterprise committed to enhancing health in Kosovo. | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

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Introduction: 35 Degrees is a pioneering social enterprise committed to enhancing health in Kosovo.

Author: Desantila Muriqi, a Young European Ambassador from Kosovo

Recognizing the widespread prevalence of health issues such as hemorrhoids, colitis, constipation, appendicitis, and colorectal cancer, 35 Degrees introduces a scientifically-backed solution to address these conditions.


Research from Stanford University has demonstrated that proper positioning during defecation can significantly aid in the prevention and treatment of these ailments.


This solution is facilitated by specially designed stools used in modern toilets.

Event Overview: On Tuesday, June 25th, the official launch event of 35 Degrees was held at Barbar Center, a key partner of the initiative.


This event marked the culmination of extensive work and the introduction of 35 Degrees to the broader community. The primary goal is to bring this innovative health solution into the homes of citizens across Kosovo, thereby fostering a healthier community.

Guest Attendance: The event was attended by members of the Young European Ambassadors network, including Desantila Murici, Arlind Hamza, and Donarta Fetahu. Additionally, many supporters joined virtually to extend their support.

Product Introduction: The stools introduced by 35 Degrees are designed to promote proper toilet positioning, a simple yet effective solution for preventing and treating common gastrointestinal issues.

Mission: The mission of 35 Degrees is to create a healthier community by spreading awareness and providing practical solutions for better health practices. By integrating these stools into everyday use, 35 Degrees aims to improve the overall well-being of the population in Kosovo.


Conclusion: The launch event was a significant milestone for 35 Degrees, highlighting the collaborative efforts and the shared vision of improving health outcomes in Kosovo.


The initiative's success relies on continued community support and the widespread adoption of these health-promoting practices.




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