Benard Babaj | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Benard Babaj



Human Rights, Environment


“An articulate, self-motivated, and committed individual with strong leadership and communication skills. I was selected as a Young European Ambassador (YEA) for the Western Balkans in 2020, which provided me essential international experience.
Over the past six years, I have been working with local youth as well as the Roma community on advocacy, lobbying, and activism, all while studying full-time in an MSc program at the University of Tirana. I have facilitated key meetings between youth groups based in different cities and YEAs.
Recently, I completed a year-long internship at the National Democratic Institute as an assistant to a prominent Member of Parliament in Albania. Additionally, I served as the Local Coordinator for a project led by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation, engaging high-school students in their communities within the framework of the School as a Community Centre Project.
I was honored to receive the “”YEA of the Month 2021″” award. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Sociology in 2021 with an ‘Excellence’ grade level.”

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