Andrej Bubanja | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Andrej Bubanja



Arts and culture, Technology, Health and well-being


Hey there, I am Andrej. I am studying Communication and Media in which I focus on interpersonal communication. ‘Travellers of the world, limited only by their own will to grow’ is my go-to quote. Ever since I was a teenager, I have tried improving my community and being as active as possible, but as time passed I came to realise I needed more knowledge, assistance, and resources. From that moment on, I went on a mission to acquire everything I could to achieve it. Scientists have come to the conclusion that infinity is not continuous, and no matter how we look at it, our finite lifetimes have an absolutely insignificant influence on the endlessness of the universe. In that chaos, I choose to focus on changing our tomorrow and helping young people be free inside as well as outside of themselves. Maybe infinity is not continuous, but the change we make is going to be. 

I believe creative thinking and unthinkable thoughts are the sources of that change. Joining the YEA circle is one big step towards reaching my goal. Join me on an ever-evolving journey and let us show to infinity that we matter.


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