Anastasija Đorđa Bosančić | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans
Anastasija Đorđa Bosančić

Anastasija Đorđa Bosančić

Bosnia and Herzegovina






My name is Anastasija Đorđa Bosančić, I am 19 years old and I am an activist and a project developer from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I am currently obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences, with a major in International Relations. Passionate about global politics, human rights and environment, I actively manage several teams in youth organizations and associated projects, volunteers for causes such as inclusion of marginalised groups and is an investigative journalist.

I have participated in numerous prestigious exchanges for youth leaders at international level, both in Europe and the US, some of which are Global In-Fellowship in Berlin and Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship at Purdue University. Throughout the past three years I am the youngest elected president of the Students Parliament and has organised numerous successful projects and charity events. I was a delegate, chair and Secretary General of over 30 Model United Nations conferences all around the world and is a delegate of the European Youth Parliament sessions.

I am very dedicated to debating, and I have competed in various debate formats as well as being a debate judge. Currently I cooperate with foreign embassies and UNDP in BiH.

My mission is to inspire young people to get involved.

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