Ana Marija Jovanova | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Ana Marija Jovanova

North Macedonia


Health and Sustainability, Media, arts and culture


“Ana Marija Jovanova is a dynamic 21-year-old student from North Macedonia, currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy at the University of “”Goce Delcev”” in Stip. Through the Erasmus program, she had the opportunity to study for one semester at the “”Polytechnic Institute of Leiria”” in Portugal.

Her journey in activism began with her involvement in various seminars, courses, workshops, and Erasmus projects, where she developed a deep understanding of youth issues. Her activism focuses on raising awareness about mental health and well-being among young people as well environmental protection and human rights.

Passionate about making a difference in her community, Ana Marija is also a certified youth worker dedicated to creating programs that support young people in need. She is certified in the ProfilPass competency assessment methodology for young people and is currently involved in counseling young people from vulnerable categories to help them start their careers.

Additionally, she is a co-founder of the platform Where the young people can easily find various calls, programs, and activities in which they can apply and participate in.

Driven by a desire to break down social barriers and empower others to overcome obstacles, Ana Marija continues to dedicate herself to creating positive change in her community. Her commitment to youth advocacy and her multidisciplinary background in physiotherapy and youth work equip her with a unique perspective and the skills needed to address a wide range of challenges.”


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