Alisa Hasa | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Alisa Hasa



Environmental protection, Human rights


I am Alisa, an 18-year-old girl pursuing everyday hidden marvels to create as many meaningful things as possible. At the age of 12, I participated in Tangram-a TV show dedicated to a youth vision of a better Albania, which was an eye-opening experience as I gained a first-hand understanding of the importance of youth activism and media as a means to make our voices heard, thus initiating change. In my opinion, the world would be much better if the right to education was claimed by all. Besides marking the beginning of my activism, it inspired one of my biggest dreams: contributing to the conceptualization of a modern education system. Since then, I have been contributing to different NGOs as a club founder, facilitator, youth expert, STEM4SocialGood promotor, sustainability advocate, and peer educator.

I was first introduced to the EU values thanks to the eTwinning projects, which shaped me to be a globally aware citizen. Recognizing the role of informal education in developing my worldview, the main goal of my initiatives is to create opportunities for youngsters to expand their horizons through peer-to-peer learning.

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