YEAurope Day: Celebrating and Reflecting on Unity and Progress | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

YEA Blog

Young European Ambassadors share their dynamic initiatives, events, and ideas shaping the EU integration journey of the Western Balkans.


YEAurope Day: Celebrating and Reflecting on Unity and Progress

Author: Desantila Muriqi, a Young European Ambassador from Kosovo

Hello everyone! I’m Desantila, a Young European Ambassador from Kosovo. Welcome to my blog on Europe Day, marked annually on 9th May. This day commemorates the Schuman Declaration, which laid the foundation for the European Union. But why does this day matter to the youth of the Western Balkans, particularly the Young European Ambassadors whose region is part of Europe but not yet part of the EU? To find out, I asked my peers, “What do you celebrate on Europe Day?” Here’s what some YEAs said:

  • Jursi from Albania: ‘togetherness’
  • Džulisa from Bosnia and Herzegovina: ‘peace’
  • Aida from Kosovo: ‘solidarity’
  • Marija from Montenegro: ‘dialogue’
  • Ana from North Macedonia: ‘democracy’
  • Velimir from Serbia: ‘inclusion’
  • Dragana from Bosnia and Herzegovina: ‘cooperation’
  • Fatbardh from Kosovo: ‘diversity’


Together, their perspectives paint a picture of the characteristics we celebrate on Europe Day. Additionally, on this day, we celebrate the numerous achievements of the EU, and according to Jursi, that’s not all! We, as youth from the Western Balkans, also celebrate the Union’s being, the opportunities it provides for us and our region, as well as our region’s commitment for EU integration and commitment to democratic values. As Dragana from Serbia put it, “Although we are not part of the EU, we are part of the European family, and Europe is our home.” This led me to my next question: Is Europe Day solely about celebration? YEAs’ insights, highlighted by Aida’s reflections on Europe’s progress, reveal that this day is also about advocating for improvements within the EU. Džulisa emphasised the importance of striving for peace, freedom, and democratic values, especially during these challenging times. These answers showed me that for us, Europe Day is more than a celebration—it’s a time to reflect, envision progress, address challenges, and commit to meaningful changes.


Europe Day Celebrations Across the Western Balkans

From Albania to Serbia, YEAs and citizens engaged in various activities—reflecting, discussing, brainstorming, and celebrating—a blend of unity in diversity. Here’s a virtual tour of the Western Balkans’ Europe Day celebrations:

Albania: Events in Shkodra, Gjirokastra, and Tirana stood out. Fairs allowed attendees to explore diverse projects and engage with EU representatives, including our YEA network. Panel discussions on women’s empowerment and civic engagement added depth. Jursi moderated the EU-Fair-on-Air sessions, building bridges and aligning with our mission.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Džulisa immersed herself in Bosnian culture through a VR exhibition. Youth events included EU pub quizzes, workshops, concerts, exhibitions, movie screenings, and the promotion of EU-funded projects.

Kosovo: This year’s Europe Day was special because, from January 2024, Kosovo’s citizens can explore the EU due to visa liberalisation. The highlight was the Explore Europe Fair in Prishtina, where citizens met representatives from various embassies, projects, and institutions. YEAs supported by sharing insights into various EU countries. The fair featured artistic performances by local groups. Activities also took place in North Mitrovica and Prizren. Aida volunteered at a children’s exhibition and joined the Chopin Piano Fest. I facilitated an activity where children painted their favourite flags, discussing their dreams of visiting EU countries.

Montenegro: YEAs engaged in events, including the EU Day festivities in Podgorica and a flowerbed bazaar organised by Europe House. They participated in the Festival of Lights. Marija highlighted Montenegro’s progress in aligning with European standards and raising awareness on critical issues like gender equality, EU integration, activism, and education.

North Macedonia: Events ranged from cultural festivals to seminars and exhibitions. Ana participated in these events, raising awareness of European values and stimulating discussions about the EU’s impact. The highlight was the Europe Day reception, where YEAs facilitated networking and volunteering.

Serbia: Europe Week 2024 revolved around the theme ‘Europe is Our Home.’ Velimir and Dragana highlighted Serbia’s cultural and historical heritage and the importance of dialogue and cooperation. Festivities in Belgrade included musical performances, receptions, and networking.


Vision for Future Europe Days

As the next 9th May approaches, I’m thrilled to share the YEAs’ vision for future Europe Days:

  • – Dragana: Hopes for peace in the region and continued European unity.
  • – Jursi: Adds justice and inclusivity to the hopes for peace.
  • – Aida: Envisions significant advancements in climate action and sustainability, with the EU leading in green technologies and policies. She also hopes for a cohesive, inclusive Europe and successful digital innovation and social justice efforts.
  • – Ana: Sees a Europe where diversity is celebrated, democracy is strengthened, and prosperity is shared equitably.
  • – Velimir: Emphasises the importance of the Western Balkans joining the EU, a sentiment shared by all YEAs.
  • – Marija: Highlights mutual benefits of EU integration, noting the Balkans have much to offer.
  • – Dragana: Stresses the benefits of EU membership, such as enhanced freedoms and tackling systemic issues like bribery and corruption, paving the way for democracy and the rule of law.
  • – Džulisa: Envisions the Western Balkans actively contributing to the EU’s growth and diversity, addressing brain drain with balanced exchange of people.



In conclusion, amidst global challenges, our shared vision for a vibrant Europe drives us forward. Together, we YEAs hope for peace, unity, and solidarity, paving the way for a brighter future. In Velimir’s words, “We are Europe. We belong in European political structures and want our representation in Brussels and Strasbourg.” Inspired by this message, let’s continue striving for progress, ensuring that next year we have even more to be proud of. Together, let’s work towards completing the EU puzzle, integrating all its parts, and celebrating a united Europe that reflects all its citizens.

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