The Path to a Stronger Europe: Why EU Membership for the Western Balkans Matters | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

YEA Blog

Young European Ambassadors share their dynamic initiatives, events, and ideas shaping the EU integration journey of the Western Balkans.


The Path to a Stronger Europe: Why EU Membership for the Western Balkans Matters

At the heart of the European Commission’s vision is a belief that EU enlargement is vital. Extending full EU membership to the Western Balkans is in the Union’s best political, security, and economic interests.


The Urgency of EU Integration for the Western Balkans

Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine has starkly highlighted the necessity for a robust, united Europe. The conflict has had profound effects on our Western Balkan partners, straining their economies and societies and jeopardizing their stability. Now more than ever, it is crucial to accelerate their EU accession process through meaningful reforms. Public sentiment in the Western Balkans reflects this urgency, with a majority of citizens viewing EU membership positively.

The New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans

In response, the EU has introduced a new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. This initiative aims to bolster EU support and foster deeper engagement with local communities. By investing in these nations, the EU aims to boost GDP growth and enhance industrial competencies.

As a Young European Ambassador with a focus on Technology and EU integration, and someone deeply involved in the tech sector, I found this topic particularly fascinating. It highlights the potential for Montenegro and the Western Balkans to develop our industries and address the brain drain that challenges our countries. This potential for growth and innovation is not just promising but crucial for our region’s future.

Addressing Skill Gaps and Industry Needs

One significant challenge facing the Western Balkans is a shortage of skilled labour and advanced industries, particularly in technology, agriculture, and other sectors. To address these deficiencies, the EU is not only providing funding but also offering educational and specialisation programmes. Students and postdoctoral specialists from the region will have the opportunity to study and work with leading EU companies, gaining invaluable experience.

Progress in Montenegro: A Case Study

Montenegro exemplifies the strides being made. Funding for scientific research has increased tenfold, demonstrating the country’s commitment to advancement. The opening of the European Innovation Council (EIC) office in Montenegro’s capital underscores the dedication of both the EU and the Montenegrin government to further cooperation and progress.


Join Us in Building a United Future

These efforts are more than just policy—they are an investment in a stable, prosperous future for all of Europe. By volunteering, you can be part of this transformative journey, supporting the Western Balkans on their path to EU membership and contributing to a stronger, more united Europe.


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