Maglaj Spirit Weekend brings arts, culture and youth together | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

YEA Blog

Young European Ambassadors share their dynamic initiatives, events, and ideas shaping the EU integration journey of the Western Balkans.


Maglaj Spirit Weekend brings arts, culture and youth together

YEA Adi Softić from Bosnia and Herzegovina is the winner with the project Maglaj Spirit Weekend, which is a festival that celebrates cultural revitalization and youth collaboration, featuring Young European Ambassadors (YEA) from the WB6 countries and youth from across Bosnia and Herzegovina. The program in 2024 addresses current challenges and interconnectedness through art by screening several regional and local coproduction movies, followed by insightful discussions and presentation uf uprising musicians and their work.


The Maglaj Spirit Weekend project, stands out as a beacon of hope for cultural revival and brining young people of all backgrounds together. This event serves as a platform for discussions on heritage preservation and celebrates urban culture within the ancient walls of the Maglaj fortress.


The festival partners with both local communites Maglaj, Doboj, Žepče and their youth activists as well as regional organizations, attracting over 1500 youths from across the region. This collaboration fosters trust and cohesion while embracing contemporary music and film trends.


Maglaj Spirit Weekend exemplifies the power of collaboration and youth-driven initiatives, empowering voices and shaping a brighter future through the mediums of film and music. It is a testament to the potential of young people to drive cultural and social change, emphasizing the importance of art and dialogue in building a more connected and cohesive society.


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