YEAs participate in European Migration Forum in Brussels News | WeBalkans

YEAs participate in European Migration Forum in Brussels

28 Oct 2022

YEAs participate in European Migration Forum in Brussels

On 20-21 October, Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) Teodora Cekić and Jehona Pnishi participated in the seventh European Migration Forum held in Brussels.


The Forum is co-organised and run by the European Commission – DG HOME (the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs) – and the European Economic and Social Committee, to encourage exchange and dialogue on migration, asylum and integration between civil society and European institutions. Since 2022 is the European Year of Youth, this year’s edition of the European Migration Forum was titled “Youth inclusion: key to successful migrant integration”.


Teodora participated in the workshop on the topic of “legal migration: youth mobility,” in the context of education and the labour mobility of young people, and Jehona participated in the workshop on the topic of young migrants’ access to education and training.


In the session “The Floor is Yours” where participants suggest further topics to discuss in parallel break-out sessions, the YEAs suggested the inclusion of young European migrants from non-EU countries in the EU, and related political and social issues. In addition, during the forum, Teodora and Jehona had an opportunity to take part, with 15 other young leaders, in a session offering a co-creative space for young participants, with the aim of allowing a youth-led discussion where they were able to focus exclusively on their perspectives on migration.

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