YEAs join EU beach clean-up activity in Montenegro News | WeBalkans

YEAs join EU beach clean-up activity in Montenegro

28 Sep 2022

YEAs join EU beach clean-up activity in Montenegro

Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) in Montenegro joined the Europe House Podgorica team who organised the Ribnica river clean-up as part of this year’s EU Beach Clean-up Day. The Ribnica river runs through the centre of Podgorica and the action was joined by representatives of the embassies of EU countries and the Head of EU Delegation in Montenegro, Cristina Oana Popa.


The EU Beach Clean-Up campaign is a global initiative to protect the ocean, co-organised by the EU and the UN, together with the Smurfs. The event takes place every September around World Coastal Clean-Up Day, and is important for awareness-raising around environmental issues. In 2022, the fifth edition of the EU Beach Clean-Up campaign targets youth under the European Year of Youth umbrella. Within the overarching theme, “United against marine litter”, the next generation are working hand-in-hand with international organisations, national leaders, and NGOs to combat this problem.

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