YEAs join EU beach clean-up activities in Albania News | WeBalkans


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YEAs join EU beach clean-up activities in Albania

Young European Ambassadors from Albania joined the EU Beach clean-up 2022 activities organised by the EU Delegation in Albania. YEAs Mariglen Qorri, Olta Shehu and Stjuart Islamaj participated in the River Clean-Up activity which included cleaning of the Qerek area followed by an open discussion on environmental topics. As part of the discussion, YEAs had an opportunity to talk with the ambassadors of EU countries as well as with the ambassador of the European Union Christine Hohmann about how to protect the environment and mitigate the pollution of the soil.


The #EUBeachCleanup campaign is a global clean-up initiative, co-organised by the EU and the UN, together with the Smurfs, to protect the ocean. The event takes place annually in September around World Coastal Clean-up Day, and is key for awareness-raising and taking action to tackle marine pollution.


In 2022, the fifth edition of the #EUBeachCleanup campaign targets youth, under the European Year of Youth umbrella. Within the overarching theme, “United against marine litter”, the future generation, international organisations, national leaders, and NGOs are working hand-in-hand to combat this problem.

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