YEAs go to EXIT Festival
YEAs go to EXIT Festival
The 60 Young European Ambassadors from across the Western Balkan region took part in EXIT Festival in Novi Sad, Serbia from 7 to 11 July and introduced themselves and the YEA Network to the young people attending the festival.
As a special part of the programme dedicated to youth, the Young European Ambassadors presented their activities and sent a message on the importance of youth participation in society, through activism, creativity, cultural dialogue and cooperation. Young European Ambassadors also participated in a workshop on the Conference on the Future of Europe together with their peers and organised a Fake News Hunt game to raise awareness on media literacy. In addition, the manager of both Young European Ambassadors, Selena Tasic and OPENS, Vukasin Grozdanovic, along with the Representative of the EU Delegation to Serbia, representatives of the City of Novi Sad and the president of EXIT Foundation Ivan Petrovic addressed the audience at the occasion of the presentation of these two important youth networks.
The Young European Ambassadors initiative is part of the WeBalkans project within the EU Regional Communication Programme for the Western Balkans. OPENS is an Association whose task is to implement a series of activities, projects, programs, events, initiatives together with its partners in order to open doors for the transfer of energy, knowledge, experience and information in order to strengthen the capacities of young people.
EXIT Foundation is part of the EXIT Festival team that focuses on social activism. EXIT is a music festival, which came into existence as a result of youth social activism, thus becoming the core of the festival itself that EXIT founders never separate from the music spectacle it stands for.