YEA participates in presentation of the mapping of responses to hate speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina News | WeBalkans

YEA participates in presentation of the mapping of responses to hate speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina

14 Oct 2022

YEA participates in presentation of the mapping of responses to hate speech in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On 12 October, Dragana Vučković, a Young European Ambassador (YEA) for Bosnia and Herzegovina, participated in the event to present the mapping of responses to hate speech and the adopted action plan for the equality of LGBTI persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dragana was there also in the position of one of the Council Of Europe’s No Hate Ambassadors of as part of the “Block the Hatred, Share the Love” campaign.


Both events happened at the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and were organised by the European Union Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Council of Europe in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees. Representatives from these institutions, and representatives of partner government institutions and civil society organisations gathered together to discuss these two important topics for society.

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