Winner announced of the YEA writing competition on EU values

Winner announced of the YEA writing competition on EU values
Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) submitted a total of 102 articles to the competition on “EU and you: What do EU values mean to me as a YEA?”. Amina Kaja’s was selected as the best and as her prize, she received two interrail train tickets for travel through the EU.
The aim of the competition was for YEAs to develop their ideas on the future of Europe, looking at their own values in relation to the EU’s youth goals and becoming more acquainted with the EU Policy on Youth and the EU Youth Strategy 2017-2027. YEAs can then share this expanded awareness with their peers via live events, meet-ups, street actions, advocacy campaigns and social media. YEAs are always learning, growing and sharing: they are the voices of youth, but also hold knowledge about opportunities for young people all over the Western Balkans and the EU.
The selection of the best article was made by the editorial team, based on criteria such as the success of relating EU values to personal experience and the presentation of information that is useful for youth all over the Western Balkans.
Amina’s article and the four others from the shortlist are available on the links below.